I. Introduction

A. Background of the study

Having love relationship with other individual has been part of lifestyle for most students today. Prioritizing their relationship with their love partners makes their time less spent especially in their subjects and to other school activities that affects their performance. It is an issue for some people because of different opinions and perceptions, mostly for the parents who are responsible for sending their children in school and for the teachers who are instructing and guiding them. Having lesser time in studying is a burden to achieve a good academic performance.

Students should be properly guided because having a good academic performance is the reflection of learning in school that is a very good foundation that a student will brought upon graduation and when they start their careers. Education is the key to whatever career or goal a student is aiming for it will recognize the readiness of a certain individual in accordance to what field of work or career a student is about to land in the future.

Our group choose the topic because of the reason that we are concerned for students’ academic performance who is involved in a love relationship. Nowadays, students who are having love relationships are normal and accepted to society and we would like to determine its effects to their academic performance so we can find out what helps the students to be excellent in academics and determine what factors that interferes and makes them not good with regards to academics when having a love relationship. We also want to determine the difference of academic performance of students who are involved in love relationship and those who are not.

II. Statement of the problem

The study aims to identify the effects of love relationships’ on the academic performance of students who are studying in the Philippines and compare the academic performance of students who does not have love relationships. It further seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Year level 1.4 Course/Program

2. How students are benefitted or distracted by their love relationships as to following variables. 2.1 Reliance on relationship partner 2.2 Motivation 2.3 Contribution to academic performance

3. As perceived by the respondents to what extent the effect of love relationship in the academic performance of students.

III. Significance of the study The study aims to identify the effects of love relationships’ on the academic performance of students.

For Universities, Colleges and Schools – to be aware on the effects of having love relationship of students for them to be guided and be educated in a manner that it can help students attain excellent academic performance.

For Teachers, Professors and Instructors – to identify what can help the students in maintaining an excellent academic performance while having a love relationship so that they can correctly educate them and isolate those effects that can lead to distractions in academic learning. For Parents and Guardians – to be able to orient their children at home the effects of having love relationship while studying so they can start guiding and leading them to have an excellent academic performance.

For Students – to assess their ongoing love relationships so they can figure out the good sides and bad sides of it, and to inform students who are planning to have an early love relationship for them to find out what to consider with regards in attaining excellent academic performance.

IV. Scope and limitation of the study

Our main focus on this study is for the students who are in college and high schools and other levels of undergraduate studies. We will survey and do investigation to students who are in relationships while studying and the outcome of their effects. Hence, will be determining how well and bad are the effects that influences each individual have on their partner or the significant other.

V. Definition of Terms

1. Love Relationship – A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. 2. Students – A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution or rather the one who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university. 3. Academic Performance – by examination or continuous assessment or academic achievements is the outcome of education- the extent to which a student, teacher or institution as achieved their educational goals. Academic performance is commonly assessed 5. Education – process of teaching someone especially in a school, college or university. 6. Effects- consequences or result you get from doing something or the changes it brings about for being involved, or participate in doing something. 7. Significant other - Significant other (SO) is colloquially used as a gender-blind term for a person's partner in an intimate relationship without disclosing or presuming anything about marital status, relationship status, or sexual orientation, as it is vague enough to avoid offense by using a term that an individual might consider inappropriate (e.g. lover when he or she considers him or her a boyfriend or girlfriend.