Our earth is the only beautiful planet in our solar system. This is the only planet which has life. Since 200 a.d.

everything was good, but since the development of human culture, cities and modern life style everything has been changed. Now man and other animals started behaving differently. Man started using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we don't have crude oils, coals, less forests, wild animals.

Our environment is totally polluted ,hence we are suffering from diseases, we are drinking polluted water .inhaling dusty air and so on...

As a result of all human activity there is ozone hole, sea is rising, ice caps on Antarctica are melting. Now the global warming warning is so fast that there is a climate change. The mother earth is in danger; the life is in danger.Saving the forest- The evolution of all of us was possible because of the plant or forests.

Forest gives us oxygen, food, shelter, medicines, furniture .Forest protect us from heat of the sun, cold waves and heavy rains. Forest keeps the balance of nature, environment, climate, weather and atmosphere. As a matter of fact forest is our life, but what are we doing? We are destroying the forest means we are destroying our life and future. Today whatever problems we see they all are by deforestation.

If we are intellectual being, we must save the plants and forests, they will save us.Saving the wildlife- Our Earth is primarily belongs to all other living things because human species came on earth very late, just 5 million years. But we overpowered them and killed for our use. Now thousands of species are extinct as their habitat is gone.

As a matter of fact these animals, birds and insects have built the environment better for them and for us. They are the real creatures of the nature. If they are here on earth we are here on earth. If they are gone we will also be gone. So always keep in mind that it is wise to save the wildlife and their habitat.Saving the environment - Due to deforestation, urbanization, industrialization and pollution, our environment is being destroyed.

Global warming, global cooling and climate change are the major threats to not only earth but the whole human being. Due to carbon dioxide and other green house gases, the green house effect is seen, the cities are becoming 'heat islands', and pollution is becoming a great killer. The air, water, dust food, noise pollution is on high. Human interference brought the nature near to destruction. Now we all must come together to save the environment and human kind.

Global destruction - Due to all above problems of pollutions the ozone layer is depleting causing melting ice sheets on two poles and increasing sea level high. Temperature of earth is going high causing global warming. Climate is changing. Heavy rains or no rains, floods, heat waves, cold waves, cyclones, lightning’s, and diseases are on high alert.

These all are the warnings of the global destruction. Now we must be aware of all these consequences and try our best to stop all this.What should we do? 1) Change your unnatural life style. Use bicycle as far as possible, don’t use excess water, electricity, don’t use plastics etc..

.2) plant more and more trees, don’t allow anyone to cut trees, 3) save wild animals, 3) speak, write against polluting industries, 4) ask Government to use non conventional energy resources (air, water, sun light and bio mass) 5) aware students and citizens about importance of saving environment .Many things that we can do to protect environment, forest and wild life.Protect the beautiful tigerTiger is an important and most beautiful animal on earth, but it is on the brink of extinction. Only 1200 tigers are trying to survive in India. It is his right to live on earth, after all the earth belongs to all the living things.