Education And Social Networking Theory: Social networking sites have implications towards the academic achievements of the students. Thesis Title: Social Networking Sites: It’s implications on the academic achievements among sophomore students in Math and Science. Research Paradigm: Implications Implications Social Networking Sites Social Networking Sites User Generated Sites User Generated Sites Video and photography sites Article Source: http://EzineArticles.
com/4949367 Video and photography sites Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4949367 Blog sites Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4949367 Blog sitesArticle Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4949367 Tumblr Tumblr Youtube Youtube Flickr Flickr Multiply Multiply Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter Academic Achievements Academic Achievements Math Math Science Science Thesis Statements: 1.
The Academic Achievement of the sophomore students in Math and Science is generally implicated by three different types of social networking sites such as: 1. 1 The Blog sites create a great impact on the academic achievements among sophomore students. 1. 2 The Video and photography Sites create a greater impact on the academic achievements among the sophomore students. . 3 User Generated Sites creates the greatest impact on the academic achievements among the sophomore students.
Specific Problems: 1. What is the percentage of sophomore student who visits social networking sites? 2. What are the types of social networking sites that sophomore students are mostly engaged in? 3. How much time do sophomore students spend in social networking sites such as: 4. 1 user generated sites 4. 2.
1 facebook 4. 2. 2 multiply 4. 2 blog sites 4. 3. 3 twitter 4.
3. 4 tumblr 4. 3 Video and photography sites 4. 4.
5 flickr 4. 4. 6 youtube 4. What is the level of the academic...