Traditionally qualities and traits connected to leadership have included determination, toughness, and vision and have course Intelligence.
However, It was Daniel Coleman who Initially highlighted the essential attribute of "emotional Intelligence" which Includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill and that, when lacking, leaders are not truly the best they can be. Emotional Intelligence Is the key ingredient In the complicated mix of any exemplary leader. Leadership is not about personality; it's about behavior and a noticeable set of skills.Exemplary leaders passionately believe that they can make a difference. They envision the future, creating an ideal and unique image of something greater. Through their magnetism and quiet persuasion, exemplary leaders enlist others in their dreams.
They breathe life into their visions and get people to see exciting possibilities for the future. Exemplary leaders envision the future by visualizing exciting and ennobling possibilities creating a roadman for getting there. But, it's not just the leader's vision that matters.When exemplary leaders are at their personal est..
They Inspire a shared vision by understanding the hopes and dreams of their employees. Using language that arouses what's meaningful to others, leaders share this villous by enlisting others In a common villous by engaging In shared ambitions and Joint effort. A shared vision will help Integrate the followers so that they, too, become accountable. This will also allow for the follower and leader to influence each other to shape the vision. When leading by demonstrating such a high level of emotional intelligence, exemplary leaders are born.One of the great examples is Martin Luther King Jar.
Most associated with this name is his visionary speech - "l have a dream". This was a passionate vision that Luther King Jar. Shared with the masses. It was through that speech that this true leader was able to motivate followers by relating his beliefs and will in a way that all could relate. Being the leader that he was, Luther King Jar. Did this because he knew and understood that "every dream precedes a goal".
"We define emotional Intelligence as the ability to reason with emotion. John Mayer and Peter Salvoes Emotional Intelligence Is defined by the ability to understand and manage our emotions and those around us. This quality gives individuals a variety of skills, such as the ability to manage relationships, navigate social networks, as well as influence and inspire others. Every individual possesses different levels, but in order for individuals to become effective leaders, developing a high level of emotional intelligence is critical.
In today's workplace, it has become a highly important factor for success, playing a role in influencing productivity, efficiency and team collaboration.Emotional intelligence is a subset of social intelligence and is about a person's ability to perceive emotion in oneself and there, integrate emotion into thought, understand emotion in oneself and others, manage or regulate emotion in oneself and others. According to the psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salvoes, emotional Intelligence can also be described as being 'knowledge of self and others' and, more specifically, the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to dilettantes among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking'.Emotional intelligent is a term that describes an people have several advantages over those who are unable to manage their emotions and have empathy towards others.
They are able to relate better with people. They can adapt easily with their surroundings and cope well with demands at work and in their relationships. People who have high emotional intelligence make stronger leaders, parents, spouses and friends. They are able to use both the positive and negative emotions to inspire themselves and others to perform better or reach a desired goal.They trust their gut feelings and make use of their emotions to guide their decisions and influence others to do so. By becoming more emotionally intelligent, one is able to take advantage of these benefits.
Though exercising the following characteristics of Self- Awareness, Emotional Management, Effective communication, social awareness and conflict resolution creates the five key components of Emotional Intelligence superior leaders.Emotionally intelligent leaders are stronger, because they are more self-aware and are able to recognize and perceive emotions as they arise in response to an action or situation. As a result leaders with high emotional intelligence are better able to address difficult situations as they arise to avoid future conflicts. As well, they are able to regulate themselves ND stay in control and are unlikely to rush into hasty decisions or let their anger take over their behavior.
Individuals with emotional intelligence also have the skill of effective communication. They are able to clearly convey directions and know what to say in order to inspire and motivate others. An important skill for leaders, communication can be a deciding factor in whether the team listens or not. Leaders with emotional intelligence are well tuned to the emotions of others and are able to pick up on what is going on around them. They are able to sympathize with others by outing themselves in the employee's shoes and giving helpful feedback.
This is a critical skill for leaders, who work closely to inspire and motivate a team. If the leader is unable to empathic with their employees, he or she will surely find it difficult to obtain respect or loyalty. In the workplace, there's always the risk that emerging conflicts can threaten or disrupt efficiency and productivity. However, leaders with emotional intelligence are equipped to handle conflicts and provide resolution.
With this skill, leaders can quickly placate any disagreements that arise between employees, customers, and other parties.In conjunction with the above skills, leaders can use their emotional intelligence to develop a more effective workplace. There is a complicated mix of attributes to being a strong and successful leader. As Coleman indicates, traits such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill are all important in leadership, otherwise known collectively as emotional intelligence. Fortunately for leaders struggling to reach their pinnacle, emotional intelligence can be worked on and developed.
Will you have a dream?