The visionary leader moves people towards a shared vision, telling them the path but not how to get there. It is a system of motivating them to go forwards to achieve the goal.

This style of leadership relates to emotional intelligence through predominantly motivation as It is a catalyst for promotion of personal growth. The coaching leader connects the wants of the people to organizational goals through holding long conversations that reach beyond the workplace in order to help people find their strengths and weaknesses and tying these to their careers aspirations.This style promotes self-realization by looking at personal qualities through assistance. The affiliate leader develops and focuses on emotional needs rather than work deeds.

It Is a style of creating connections with people and having a harmonious workplace. This style provides a positive environment for staff as it develops strong relationships for communal bonding in the workplace. The democratic leader as the name suggests delegates through valuable inputs and commitment via participation, listening to both the bad and the good news.The ability to take a neutral stance and assess multiple situations allows a more rigid understanding and controlling use of emotions in the workplace. The pace-setting leader challenges people with goals and the expectation of excellence. This style has the ability to identify performance of the workforce and re- adjust the demand for an improvement based on results.

This style often relies on autonomy of the individual to complete tasks with little guidance In an attempt to promote self-management and personal growth.The commanding leader exemplifies himself through direction. This style leads to a commanding, powerful stance with the expectation of full compliance, with or without agreement. This style is provocative and thus an emotional self-control is needed or success.

Bearberry and Greaves (2005), stating that emotional intelligence can indeed be errant. Both Coleman and Bearberry & Greaves argue that emotional intelligence can especially be taught successfully to children. 'Children can be aware of their emotions and train to control them appropriately (Bearberry and Greaves, 2005).The research further concludes that environments such as schools have the opportunity to revert emotional illiteracy through disciplinarian actions to further add attributes such as self-awareness and self-control. Furthermore, cognitive scientist Delphinine Inline published Personality and Individual Differences which highlighted some 'promising research through testing on adults as o whether emotional intelligence can be taught'. This has solidified the case and the past research attributing to the fact that training can improve emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence has been growing in importance in professional success, with emphasis in the corporate world. Due to the holistic application of emotional intelligence of everyday life giving a more complete and enriched fulfillment of life; emotional intelligence paves way for success in leadership roles. As suggested by American psychologist Daniel Coleman, leaders who have the key skills attributed in motional intelligence such as, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills, are more probable to provide a successful outcome individually, for the business and for the workplace.Nevertheless it is not the sole component of becoming successful. A leader must also learn to manage emotions and affect colleagues emotions for the betterment of the business without it imposing on himself.

'Intelligence itself; being able to formulate strategies and take tactical decisions forms a far more critical areas of expertise for a leader' (Gymkhanas, 2009, peg 250). Emotional Intelligence forms more a part of the rowing trend in the social side of the daily working life and thus does not present the only reason as to a leaders success.The presented case immediately highlights the skepticism that a 'growing number' of people, including the writer, have towards the concept of emotional intelligence. The paragraph serves as a provocative method of inciting a debate into proving that the 'foundations' and 'evidence' are not 'feeble' and that emotional intelligence is in fact a current science and its application into leaders today is real and advancing. First and foremost, one must look at the changes in the style of leadership over time ND how that has affected the workforce.More infrequently are the times where organizations are not involved with their employees with work-life balancing an important flexibility.

Components that make the workforce a more social unit all the mannerisms in relationship building or the behavior and culture at work. Any social aspect of the workplace involves the self realization of one's own behavior, the self-control at pressured situations and many other instances where individual feelings and emotions can affect the responses of a person and the outcome of a task or scenario.Emotional Intelligence is ever present, yet a difficult thing to show in evidence as it is an intangible concept. More evidence and research is needed to solidify the foundations of the concept and show that the leader ship environment is changing . 'Personality may be considered as a social product' (American Psychology Association, peg 149), whereby environments whether domestic or international affect the development of personality. Personality can consist of personal traits that come to light depending on the environment.

In leaders, personality is an important aspect as people who follow need to understand the leaders background in order to feel connected, form rapport and trust. Behaving consistently and with integrity is commonly one of the methods to creating a following. Depending on the context of the situation different personality traits are essential and thus when rising to the occasion, a confident and commandeering stance needs to be taken in order to instill the motivation and trust in the leader's followers.Charismatic authority is 'power legitimated on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment, which inspire loyalty and obedience from followers' (Kendall et al, 2000, peg 438-439). Charisma is an important skill for leaders as it provides the motivation to his followers through the expansion of his narcissism. Sakes (1997) argues that charismatic leaders exhibit traits of narcissism and also argues that they display an extraordinary amount of energy when communicating their vision.

In regards to charisma, I suggest that there are three factors. The least of the three is pedigree. One's ancestors may have been powerful influential leaders, but DNA is fickle. The nurturing environment is more important, but is highly unpredictable and UN-testable: the product of a strife-ridden, impoverished, apparentness environment is just as likely to gain these traits as a child of privilege. One of the strongest influences is circumstance, as pivotal crises can pressurize potential leaders to forcibly learn charisma and gather followers in the process.Conflict resolution skills is a skill that is learnt through experience in pressured situations.

Leaders are required to have conflict-resolution skills as conflict in the Managed in the wrong way, real and legitimate differences between people can quickly spiral out of control, resulting in situations where co-operation breaks down and the team's mission is threatened. 'To calm these situations down, it helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution, where discussion is courteous and non- confrontational, and the focus is on issues rather than on individuals' (Henry et al, 1971, Chi 8) .If this is done, then, as long as people listen carefully and explore facts, issues and possible solutions properly, conflict can often be resolved effectively The world has been reducing cross cultural barriers for a long time, in present there large amount of residents from different cultural backgrounds living within any given country. It is more likely than not that an organization will have a multi-cultural workforce.

Thus it is important that leaders are aware and acknowledge that an expansion in their skills is necessary in order to be able to interact with a diverse range of people.Cross cultural competency results in the ability to understand , communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures (Turner et al, 2000) Understanding power is crucial as a leader as there are two facets that are involved, influence and authority. First and foremost, influence is the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior and feelings of another, whereas authority is the right to influence another otherwise known as legitimate power. Both of these facets can dictate whether a leader will be successful or not.

Leaders will use different sources of powers to influence followers for the provision of goods and services. Leaders have the primary responsibility to ensure that competition for resources is free and fair and that people who obtain power over resources do so because they possess skills and abilities that will in the long run benefit the organization (Prefer, 1992, peg 29). It can be clear when Leaders overuse or abuse their power and position when they start experiencing a progressive increase in resistance, as such it is a crucial skill to manage as the right balance of power is needed to appease the subordinates.Empathy is an important aspect for a leader to recognize. Empathy is the ability to identify and understand another's situation, feelings and motives.

It's our capacity to recognize the concerns other people have. To a minimum level empathy allows the leader to understand as to the background and reasoning behind a certain situation ND how the persons have been affected. It also creates a trust bond between leader and employee, which can result in more positive attitudes and environments at work as a result of employees being recognized and understood. Application in the workplace environment to be shown leaders. In the discussion above, I have highlighted the many facets surrounding emotional intelligence ranging from the leadership styles that are associated to whether emotional intelligence was a concept that had valid foundations and application. Using references from expert in the fields of management, psychology and the like, I was able to gain and understanding of the research done in relation to emotional intelligence and convey it through this discussion.