Strengths High Interest nationally and Internationally In use of electronic health records and personal health records Excellent staff support Good historical continuity in the current set of Work Group co-chairs Building succession of strong leadership within the Work Group and in the development of new Work Groups Long-term, continued participation by several volunteers Access to Subject Matter Experts (Seems), health information technology vendors and industry thought-leaders Good focus on long term tasks such as creating models and frameworks Models, profiles and other work products are expressed in easily readable terms, understandable to clinical, business, and technical communities Visibility of HER Work Group standards to the board and the healthcare Industry Introduces new opportunities to regarding public policy and other healthcare Issues Effective communication and outreach efforts Alignment of functions and data related artifacts; excellent collaboration with other Work Groups Excellent adoption by industry Weaknesses Overuse/extensive use of the same volunteers New attendees do not necessarily stay with the Work Group and such do not become involved in activities Gaining depth of international input and participation in Work Group efforts Lack of administrative support for co-chair duties, e. G.

, notes and meeting announcements Work group processes for publishing and moving work products via the GAME requirements and calendar need to be documented. Need for greater direct participation by healthcare providers Tooling to support work product creation, maintenance, and reuse Requests by the Industry for Increased granularity - products that can be used off of the shelf. Continuing concerns about the scope and structure of the functional models---are they too granular/not granular enough. Opportunities The ability to expand the use of work products worldwide through our affiliates and associate organization agreements.Increase the visibility of the Work Group products The ability to Influence new directions for the road-map The ability to Influence Health Information Technology (HIT) public policy and market forces The ability to accelerate the adoption of standards-based HER and PH systems The ability to have the models and/or profiles named In realm legislation.

Alignment with other PH and HER and possible future functional models Global economy and rising costs affecting attendance/participation in meetings Development of products by organizations or realms without reference to the standards Fragmentation of HER certification and governing authorities. Variability in maturity or funding of HER programs and capacity building capabilities internationally.