Rave as a Post- Modern Phenomena is continuing to increase is size. Every year more teenagers discover the potential of this way to have fun. They suddenly feel part of something, which they enjoy. However, the rave phenomena primarily depended of taking the drugs. Unfortunately, like any other culture, or cult hippies is self-stupefying. This means that the ignorance of the Ravers maintains as the existence of Raves.

Those who become part of such drug taking culture, the problem often intensified, due to the lack of sport with in the raving community, who are still having too much fun. This is made worse because, there is also a lack of support in the community for the victims of recreational drug abuse.Rave culture is highly attractive to the youth audience in general, regardless of class or ethnic background. Raves are non-elitist, and are primarily for the working class.

This makes Raves quit different from all other postmodern sub-cultures. The legalization of a Rave has not prevented the illegal taking of the drugs. This means that there are a lot of young people indulging in Rave culture and recreational drug taking every weekend.
Rave has provided an environment where drugs like ecstasy are socially acceptable. Rave like other cult is self-stupefying and refuses to question the taking of the drugs affecting its continual and successful existence.

"Recreational drug users often see only benefits only from drug use and at this stage will have control over the drug taking, despite using drug on regular basis. However recreational drug use does not mean problem free drug use. For this reason it is vital to raise awareness about some of the known effects of the drug use. Both within the raving community and the general public, after all the young Ravers of today a whole generation, who will ultimately affect the future of the country?
Many young people feel Ecstasy allows them to stay in control unlike alcohol. In an article by Sheila Henderson she particularly emphasis's the attraction of Ecstasy and the E-culture for young women.

She suggests that women felt that being in an environment where every one was on Ecstasy, rather than say alcohol, freed from unwanted sexual attention from men. She state, "Instead of being tied to a boyfriend, having to stick close to friends, feeling self-conscious about appearance or dace style or intimidated by attention from men, the young women occupied this social space with confidence, circulating and meeting new people independently." In survey, which Henderson carried out, she found many young women rated Ecstasy, music and dancing above forms of enjoyment in their lives such as sex and keeping fit. In Henderson's article a girl gives an account of her positive experience of taking Ecstasy; "When you listen to the music you usually know the music is coming out of the speaker.

But when you're on E it's like you're dancing on the notes it all around you, and you feel so up there it's like, it's like so hard to describe, its like haven. And it's so good, you love everybody, you look around and you think you all are wonderful! Never felt anything like it."(19yr old girl)
The CDT suggests that the positive feeling on a Rave out weight the negative after effects. They state "Populists account of Ecstasy use (in the media) has tended to moralize about the danger of the drug. The young people we talked to had much more position assessment of Ecstasy, and their dilutions of its interwoven with their discussion of raves."(CDT) any sensory changes would tend to be laughed off and any weight Loss, or loss of appetite, due to the media images, which portray anorexic supper models as the ideal physical appearance, is viewed as a positive effect to the most young people.

You people also enjoy the feeling of belonging, which comes from the Rave culture (PLUR Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect) and shared drug experiences. Many people feel that Ecstasy gives them more confidence. They find the drug endues feelings oh empathy, alertness, energy and love. Due to this Raves have less aggressiveness, and violent behavior than conventional clubs. Young men feel more at ease to hug each other and show affection to each other.

Ecstasy frees inhibition and encourages strangers to smile and hug each other. All these positive feelings with a young sense of understanding and lack of Knowledge concerning the facts of Ecstasy, means that young people continue to indulge regardless of risks. Unless of course awareness is raised and real issues of these complex phenomena are addressed.At the same time the social acceptance and the dependence of drug taking with in the Rave community, refuses to knowledge the harmful side affects of this life style.

This is because rave wouldn't exist on the same scale with out the drug factor. This self-stupefying attitude means that Ravers refuse to admit that there is any risk. Instead this ignorance has created the opposite effect, Ravers compare their drug intakes and particularly between males this leads to sense of competitiveness concerning the number of drugs they have taking in one night. Higher dosage of the drugs obviously increases the risk of harm. This attitude means the Ravers who are suffering they will have a hard time to admit that they have a problem, let alone admit to their friends.

Importance should be placed on the need for more specifics counseling service for people with recreational drug problems. Latimer recommends "More funding for local Recreational Drug project to take pressure of the drug service currently is overloaded with their existing clients. These projects may serve to become more user friendly and will promote better communication between drug workers and recreational drug users." Drugs counselors should have an actual into the Rave culture. Latimer recommends, "Specialist training for drug workers with regards to specific culture and lifestyle associated with the Rave scene and the use of Ecstasy.

We need to be aware of the fact that too many Ravers, raving every week becomes insignificant as Ravers eagerly await the arrival of the weekend." At least one counselor per educational institution should also have specific insight into Rave Culture and recreational drug problem. Lattimer adds that there should be "more resources made available foe accurate, adjective research carried out within the context of Rave cutter. This, in return, will unable us to provide impartial, non judgmental advice and information to assist the recreational drug users in making informed decisions about their use of Ecstasy" and this would require, "More resource for education in order empowering the recreational drug user to make their own decisions from information available.

Rave, dace and drug culture is an ever-increasing phenomenon and has a large influence on the lives of many young people. The latest government Public Entertainment act may once again drive the activity underground. If this happens Raves may once again be held in a field and such like it, where medical services and unlimited supplies of drinking water will be not available. This places an even grater problem on education the Ravers about the risk of taking drugs with in such context. Unless we being to address the problems associated with the Rave culture now, we will have a whole generation of people, whose lives are extremely limited by their own youthful ignorance.

As Latimer states, "We would be ignoring the lesson of history if we await the emergence of a threat on public health the size of AIDS before adopting service based harm reduction strategies towards new cultural forms of drug use like "Raving on Ecstasy."