They can share different approaches to solving frequently encountered problems. They understand each other because they have been through the same thing or similar things.

They can identify with each other but at the same time each individual also comes to a better understanding of their own identity. Once you understand more about your own identity you are more likely to be able to work on it, accept  it and be proud of it which directly impacts on your well being.Group therapy attempts to give individuals a safe and comfortable place where they can work out problems and emotional issues. Patients gain insight into their own thoughts and behaviour and can offer suggestions and support  to others. In addition patients who have a difficult time with interpersonal relationships can benefit from the  collective communications that are a basic part of the group therapy experience giving them self esteem.Analyse reasons why a group activity rather than one to one work may be recommended in particular circumstances | | |Answer | | A group activity may work better for individuals who have difficulties with interpersonal relationships and rather | | |LO 1.

2 |than having all the attention solely on themselves they will have to develop relationships with others. This | | | |increased confidence could then be translated when they go out into the community. An individual may not feel comfortable or confident with working on a one to one basis and the reassurance of having  thers around them who may be in the same situation my give them the confidence to take part in whatever activity is taking place.The individual may have feelings of being a failure and are unsure whether they are doing things correctly.Once more |they may gain reassurance from others in the group that they are doing the activity correctly which could increase  |their self esteem and self worth.

Being a part of a group activity can benefit the individual as they may feel that they can help others who are not so good at certain activities which increases not only the self esteem of that individual but also the person.