“How are you? ” “Honestly? I feel like I’m dying. ” “That’s never good. ” “Tell me about it. ” “I doubt I could if I tried. ” “Do you think that—? ” “Hold up! You have an ant on your cheek. ” “Get it off! ” “Alright, alright, relax! ” “I can’t believe I didn’t feel it…” “Shit! ” “What? ” “I killed it. ” “Kain! ” “Sorry! ” “It only wanted to be on my cheek! ” “Why would it want to be there? I probably put it out of its misery. ” “That’s not funny! It liked me because I smell good. ” “Apparently died because you smell good. ” “So I do smell good, then? ” “Just be quiet and watch the sunset. ” “I’m tired of sunsets.

I want to see a sun rise; they seem more rare, and happy. ” “That’s ridiculous. Sun rises happen as much as sunsets. ” “Yeah, but less people stay up to watch them. I think I might stay up all night to see tomorrow’s. Do you want to? ” “Not really. I have to leave in ten minutes. ” “Have you ever watched the sun rise? Not just been awake, but intentionally watched the sun rise? ” “Just once. ” “Why. ” “I wanted to get my mind off of something. ” “What? ” “Nothing. Why are you so talkative all of a sudden? ” “I was just thinking about the ant. I don’t want to die an ant. ” “You’re not dying anytime soon. ” You never know when you’ll crawl onto the wrong cheek. ” “Hmmm. ” “It is pretty, though, the sunset. The way the crimson bounces off the clouds. ” “Yeah. ” “I wish it lasted longer. ” “If it did I don’t think I’d be as pretty. ” “I suppose you’re right. ” “Look, I have to go, or I’ll be late. ” “Do you really have to leave? ” “Yeah, I’m sorry. Happy birthday, Mia. I hope you feel better. ” “Thanks, me too. See you later. ” “See you. ” “Umm, are you going, or are just going to stand there? ” “It was you. ” “Excuse me? ” “My first sun rise. I was worried about you. ” “Could you-- could you stay? Please? ” “I don’t think I was leaving. ”