Development of Man The early pre-humans were called Psychotherapeutics which meaner "Southern Apes".

There were four species under this. A) Staphylococcus armadas b) Staphylococcus fairness c) Staphylococcus Africans d) Staphylococcus robust Psychotherapeutics were primates which had brains no bigger than the chimpanzee's, shorter than us and have long arms because they are bipedal which meaner they walk using both their hands and feet. The oldest Psychotherapeutics skeleton was named Lucy and found In Afar, Ethiopia. There are three womanlike species that arose during the prehistoric time.They are collectively called as Homos. A.

) Homo habits b. ) Homo erects c. ) Homo sapiens a. Neanderthals b.

Crop-masons To begin with, Homo habits are also known as "man of skills". They lived during the first quarter of the Paleolithic age. Homo habits came from Africa, they first lived there. Homo habits have large brains which Indicates that they were more physically and mentally advanced. Homo erects were the second womanlike specie.

They walk upright which meaner, they stand straight just like us right now. Homo erects were food gatherers. They learned to hunt for their food using spears to kill deer, pigs and abbots.They were also the first one who learned how to make ire which kept them warm, used for cooking and scare away threatening animals.

They were also the one who made clothing out of the skin of the animals. At first, they only wrap it around them but later on, they learned to tie them together. Lastly, the Homo sapiens or "person who thinks". They were 'categorized' or was grouped Into two. The earlier one was called the Neanderthals.

It is said that their brains were slightly larger than those of modern human beings. Neanderthals was Just like homo erects but their tools used for hunting were more complex.They learned how to craft and they were the first one to practice medicine. Neanderthals believed in life after death.

The other was called Crop-Masons. They had high foreheads, small brow ridges and a well-defined chin. They were hunters and gatherers too, Just like the Neanderthals. They were the first one to build houses. There are 4 Stages of Man's Development 1. Paleolithic 2.

Megalithic 3 Neolithic 4. Metal Age Paleolithic Age or the Old Stone Age was the first stone age. They used crude or flaked tools and weapons. They hunt and fish for their living. They used fire and stone tools to gain control over the animals.

They learned arts like engraving, carving and painting. As for their religious belief, they offered sacrifices, foods and where they learned how to make a fire. They used fire to cook food, to keep them warm, used it as a weapon and to harden the points of their wooden weapons. They learned how to make clothing to protect their body and to provide warmth. Megalithic age or the Middle Stone Age involved the domestication of plants and animals and the formation of settled communities. They learned how to tame animals and the first animal that they've tamed were dogs.

Megalithic cultures hardhearted a large selection of hunting, fishing and food gathering. Pottery and the use of bow was developed. People from Neolithic age or the New Stone Age developed their agriculture, pastoralist, pottery, technologies and villages. They learned how to plant crops and herd animals.

They also have the elements of civilization which consists of the advance cities (architectures and large population), complex institution (government, school, church and etc. ), Specialized workers (traders, government officials and etc. ), Record Keeping (System of writing, tax collections, laws and etc. And Advanced Technologies (Plow and others).

The metal age, to summarize it all up, is the use of metals for making various things. There were 10 civilizations that occurred 1. Sumerians 2. Skidpans 3. Babylonians 4.

Hitters 5. Assyrian 6. Calendars 7. Persians 8. Phoenicians 9.

Lydia 10. Hebrews Sumerians was the first civilization and they were farmers and city builders. They developed the wheels, cuneiform (a system of writing), assimilate, plow, complex irrigation system, arches, columns, inclined walks and they made use of sun-baked clay. Skidpans built the first empire.

Our-mamma compiled the first known code of laws. Babylonians developed the code of law which became known as Hamburg's Code and it's principle is "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Hitters were expert on military strategy, skillful diplomacy and superior weapons. They were expert metal workers and the first people to use iron or spears. Showed no mercy. They built roads and collected taxes from conquered people.

They were the first to build a library. Calendars rebuilt the Babylon and made the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They advanced the study of mathematics and astronomy.Persians adapted a new religion called Zoroastrian. They divided the empire into provinces called Satrapies and had governors called Satraps.

They also built royal roads. They had 3 leaders: Cyrus, Drains and Xeroxes. The Phoenicians developed the alphabets and they earned the title "carriers of civilization" because they spread the culture of the ancient world through trading. Phoenician alphabet Lydia developed the coined money and used it for trading. The older form of trading was the barter system which is exchanging goods for goods. The use of coined money spread through trading.

Ions Hebrews early history was written in the old testament of the bible. Hebrews reserved their religious ideas. Ancient Egypt Egypt is found in Africa and its capital is Cairo. The longest river, the Nile River, is found here. Egyptians used a reed called Papyrus that grew along the Niles shore and used it to make paper.

The word paper came from the word "Papyrus". Their religious belief shows the importance of nature to them. They practice polytheism wherein they believe in many gods. The most important god is the sun god, Ammo-Re.

Their system of writing was called Hieroglyphics.They built irrigation systems to carry water from the Nile to the desert. There were three major periods during the Egyptian history. 1. Old Kingdom or Age of Pyramids 2.

Middle Kingdom or Age of Nobles 3. New Kingdom or Empire Age Pharaohs were the ruler during the old kingdom. Pharaohs had absolute power. He was the source of law and he owned all land, quarries, mines and water in Egypt. Impotent, the chief minister, designed the step pyramid of Karakas. The rich nobles during this time built pyramid tombs.

The prince of Thebes became the new pharaoh during the middle kingdom.Art and literature was encouraged. In this age, Egypt expanded its borders. Later on, Hyssop conquered them and learned important skills eke military skills and making of bow and arrows and waging war using horse-drawn chariots. During the new kingdom, a female pharaoh named Queen Hatchets ruled Egypt. She built programs and the expansion of trade.

Outmost Ill was the successor of Queen Hatchets and he is her stepson. Outmost Ill was a brilliant came after Outmost Ill. Amendment was not interested in conquering other lands, rather, he wanted the Egyptians to worship only one god, Ton.Amendment IV changed his name to Generation which meaner "Pleasing to Ton". He was replaced by Tutankhamen who became a pharaoh at the age of eight.

He changed his name to Tutankhamen which signifies the return of the traditional religious belief wherein they believe in many gods. The last great ruler of the New Kingdom was Rammers II and he spent hi 67-year reign reviving the empire. Queen Cleopatra also tried to revive the Egyptians greatness. Queen Cleopatra is the last pharaoh. A government where a religious leader rules the state as god's representative is called a theocracy.

The Egyptians contribution to civilization were hieroglyphics (a form of picture writing), paper which came from papyrus (a reed plant), calendar which has three seasons of 120 days each and five special feast for the gods and they developed geometry for building pyramids, the Sphinx and etc. They also had a devised method to preserve the body of dead people which is known as mummification. Ancient India India is surrounded by the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Sea in the south, Himalayan Mountain in the north and Hindu Cush Mountains in the northwest.There are three major regions in India: Northern Plain, Decca Plateau and Coastal Plain. There are three great rivers in India: Indus, Ganges and Apparatus. Harp and Majordomo are two cities found in India.

These two shows how careful Indians planned this. Therefore, the Indians must have a great knowledge in measurements, surveying the area and geometry. The government were maybe strict and have the control over the construction of their buildings and other architectures. Merchants exported cotton cloth, gold Jewelry and stone carvings of animals.Ancient China The geographic barriers of China made limited contacts from people outside the country. Chinese believe the feeling of econometrics which refers to the tendency of regarding their country as superior among the others.

Loess are the fine yellow soil that is deposited by the Hung Ho or the Yellow River. This river provides irrigation, fishing and transportation. But there are negative effects too. Once the water raise and it floods, it causes death and destruction thus it is also known as the River of Sorrow.

There were 9 dynasties in China: 1 .Ixia Dynasty 2. Shank Dynasty 3. Chou Dynasty 4. Chin Dynasty 5.

Han Dynasty 6. Sue Dynasty 7. Tang Dynasty 8. Sung Dynasty 9.

Yuan Dynasty The Ixia dynasty had no records during their time that's why it is considered as a They gave way to complex society. They used silks, porcelains, oracle bones for fortune telling, kaolin (a very fine white clay to shape potteries and they worshipped their ancestors. The Chou Dynasty believed in the Mandate of Heaven where in a divine ruler has divine approval from the above. They also control through feudalism.This is a political system in which nobles or lords are granted the use of land that legally belongs to the king.

The Chou built roads and canals and stimulated trade and agriculture. They also introduced coin money like the Lydia. The major advancement is the use of iron in creating many things. Philosophies and Ideas 1 . Confucius believed that social order, harmony and good government could be restored if the society was organized around 5 basic relationships: ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother, older friend and younger friend.Confucius 2.

Ala Tutu's philosophy is known as Taoism. For him, only the natural order was important. If you seek order and harmony, live close to nature. Ala Tug 3. Legalist group believed highly in the power of the government that will be able to restore order.

Cycle of the Mandate of Heaven Chin dynasty reunited china under Chin Shih Hung-tit who is known to be the "First Emperor". The Great Wall of China was built during this dynasty. Han Dynasty was established by Lie Pang. He divided china into provinces called commandeered. There was a renewal of learning and they read books by Confucius.

The most precious books were called the "Five Classics": The Book of History, Spring and Autumn Annals, Book of Odes, Book of Changes and the Book of Rites. They believed in Confucianism. They took Civil Exam Services and these exam were key feature of the Chinese government. Paper was invented and before this was invented, books were written in silks. They perfected the wheel borrow, plow and collar harness (which made it possible for the horses to pull heavy loads). Sue Dynasty's first emperor was Sue Wendy.

Grand Canal was formed and it provided a vital route for trade.Tang Dynasty emperor is Tang Tasting. They invented porcelain, printing, mechanical clock and gunpowder. The Sung dynasty invented paper money and magnetic compass. EVOLUTION The development of man from prehistoric up to the ancient civilization was slow and And re-adapt the cultures of the previous people and then they developed it into a utter one coming up with new ideas at the end.

The life before was so hard, since they started from nothing until they discovered the language, the use of fire, hunting, usage of medicines and etc.Having these as their base, they formed a developed and new products until they came up with the use of metals for creating their weapons. They even came up with the complex government, villages, schools, churches and even having advanced technologies and specialized workers. They even came up with the idea of having records. From the records, we can see that developing that time as pretty hard and it takes a whole lot of time before you develop something. Architectures was not done during the times of the homos.

The calendars, irrigation systems and religions was not there until the time of the civilization in the Fertile Crescent and onwards. The people learned to adapt to the environment and that is how they developed their physical attributes. Then as time passes by, they learned and developed their way of living. People from prehistoric were like monkeys until they evolved and they looked Just like and people nowadays, but we're Just more developed than them in terms of physical attribute and in thinking.