Hence the need of such kind of study in the managerial development context in order to gaslight to other organizations the importance of keeping up with the fast pace of socio-economical changes and the reshaping of organizational behavior. This research is mainly a qualitative study that explored different theories, and investigated several methods and techniques: diagrams, tables, and peer-reviewed studies that assisted the author to reach the important findings in the conclusion.It is identified that the team members' roles need to be re-assessed in addition to a critical need for the team leaders to develop their communication and managerial skills.

The author recommended that the organizational support be thoroughly empower its team leaders, the need of additional training for the team leaders in questions and the increase of employee engagement through several techniques reviewed in the study.Major department store retailers such as Walter and Target have been faced with some significant challenges in an increasingly competitive and globalizes operating environment in recent years. The eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008 with its tremors still reverberating, along with the abrasion of technology-based cultures has led to numerous organizations' breakdowns. At the same time, innovations in transportation and telecommunications have redefined the marketplace itself, and growing numbers of consumers are electing to o most of their department store purchases online.These trends have also been matched by a proliferation of social media networks such as Twitter and Backbone that are also redefining marketing best practices.

In this environment, it is not surprising that some organizational leaders have failed to maintain pace with these changes, and this is certainly the case with Sapphire department store's two troubled team leaders who did not adapt as proactively or effectively as the times demand.Bellini's researchers identified several team-role patterns. "It became obvious that each team member had a preferred or natural role, a secondary role (one that he or she was able to assume when necessary), and least- preferred/best-avoided roles" (Belch, 2001 p. 87).

Bellini's original observational studies resulted in eight different team roles, and a ninth role was later identified as well. All nine roles are regarded as being important to team performance and are described further in Table 1 below. Role Description Plant Devises creative solutions to problems.Coordinator Interprets objectives, encourages decisions, facilitates appropriate resources. Resource investigator Finds useful contacts and resources outside the team.

Monitor evaluator Discerns opinions, makes insightful Judgments. Implementer Translates ideas into action and organizes the process. Resolves disagreements; concentrates on diplomacy. Completer-finisher Fixes errors; ensures work is complete; meets deadlines. Specialist Offers knowledge or skills that others may not have. Shaper Challenges others to overcome difficulties.

Table 1: Nine team roles identified by Beeline (Belch, 2001) Page | 8 The nine team roles described in Table 1 are not necessarily static, and team members may perform different roles at different times. Developing balanced roles within a team serves three valuable purposes: It increases the likelihood of positive contributions from individual members, b. It decreases the likelihood of destructive conflict among members, and It enhances the team's ability to adapt to changing and unpredictable circumstances Belch 2001). 5.