Here, his own approach to the solution and innovation will play the critical role.

3. Leader of Technical Abilities Besides this, Leaders have to be more tech-saws from a business application, innovation and social media perspective. As an employee Accentuate Services Pat. Ltd n India, our team used Microsoft Office Excel for Infrastructure and application capacity data and then share it with other team members.

Microsoft Office Sharpening workspace was unknown to our team and managers, which was eventually introduced by our CEO. It reduced our work-time by 30-40%. This where the information played a very critical role in the work-efficiency.Sharpening workspace is a desktop program to take Sharpening site content offline and collaborate on the content with others while the person is disconnected from the network, could be important in global scenario. While team members are offline, one an make changes to Sharpening content that synchronizes back to the Sharpening site.

The company provides on-call phones/pagers/laptops to all the managers (sometime time to employees) to keep informing, updated about companies' business, planning and actions and to take appropriate and in-time actions for customer issues and complaints.This would require substantial focus, control and planning of daily-activities by a corporate leader to be more effective. Leaders and managers must update themselves to new technical tools and applications. Managers have to come out of the comfort zone to be with the pace of the world.

. Perseverance in decision-making Company leaders have to be perseverance that is essential in making quality leadership decision in real time. They have to be much more focused while making decision.If a business leader wants to excel, then he must be dexterous, flexible, adaptable, patient and robust so that he could respond effectively to dynamic market conditions and business demands (Carroll, 2011). They have to keep their knowledge up to date by undergoing training sessions and seminars. Before globalization, it was that engineer has to do technical work only and required very title or no knowledge in another domain such as marketing, planning, finance, business law.

However, in the world of globalization, every field is so much changes across the border. Global Leadership: Indian Perspective In the report to the to the Prime Minister (Science Advisory Council, 2010) (http:// www. Dots. Gob. Omission_Document.

PDF), Science Advisory Council (SAC) advised that pressing problems in India while acting as a global leader in science and business are: Equity and social Justice Mitigating effects of possible climate change Universal access to educationStrengthening the innovation ecosystem Energy independence Health care for all Skill development for better employment opportunities National security, internal and external Efficient water management Food security In response to solve these graving issues and to create a global high-tech workforce Science Advisory Council (SAC) proposed a framework for higher education as a solution which would require (selected few) (Science Advisory Council, 2010): Seek dynamic leadership at the top and provide "real" autonomy with minimal bureaucracy. Get the best faculty and establish the best facilitiesEstablish a proper faculty promotion policy. Keep out political interference Welcome private investment and support of private wealth. Assemble a diverse student body balancing excellence and inclusion. Combine undergraduate teaching and world-class research Balance educational efforts in science, technology, humanities Inculcate national pride amongst pupils Build campuses with character and suitable traditions.

Keep student numbers manageable Offer integrated 4+1 year BBS/BAA + MS/MA programs with a flexible package of courses Matching supply and demand DEVELOPING GLOBAL WORKFORCE IN INDIAAccording to a McKinney Global Institute study (Farrell, 2006) on the emerging global labor market, India produces a large number of graduates every year with different field of studies. It includes 1. 2 million people holding engineering degrees, which is just 4% of the total university graduated workforce. Rest has generalist degrees in Arts, Commerce and Humanities. Out of these, only 25% of engineers and 10% of generalist graduates are capable of getting employed by multinationals. Despite so many engineering graduates produce every year, average level of suitability is very low.

Reason behind it is the large variation in the quality of Its , alms and "SC are considered best , the rest of them considered indifferent. Out of these best talents, most of the graduates emigrate either for higher studies or for high-paying Jobs. Another reason is, until now, there are very few graduates or managers that have international experience to switch to the multinational corporation. With the increasing impact of globalization, India needs more engineering graduates with high-quality skills.

We already put our first step by introducing eight new Its (Wisped, n. . )and seven new alms (Wisped, n. .

) in the country. My previous employer provides training on inclusion and diversity , which not only educates and inspires employees off company , but also develops diverse workforce and enables them to foster an inclusive environment (Accentuate, n. D. ).

People who will be skillful in the field of engineering and management , have experience in or exposure to multicultural environments, proficient in foreign languages and expertise in their respective field will be given preference while hiring.They should be aware of labor market and labor market trends locally, nationally, and internationally. They also have to take responsibility of their work product. (Wight, n. D. ) Such people will be suitable for future emerging markets across the world.

Universities are also providing foreign language classes to the students so as to improve their career prospects. My university, Moody Institute of Science and Technology (MITTS, 2011), is providing foreign language classes to prepare students for a better future and to create a difference from competitors in the globalizes world.Previously engineering studies were restricted in books only. Now with the modern engineering education, curriculum has been revised and made more racial and research based. It also includes interaction with industries to provide them a different perspective.

According to a McKinney Global survey (Renee Dye, Elizabeth Stephenson, 2010) result of various functions of companies in India, facing a shortage of talents, this is mainly management, Research and Development and Strategy. It can be seen in the survey made by McKinney Global Survey in Figure (1). Figure. - The lack of talent in area of studies survey by McKinney (Renee Dye, Elizabeth Stephenson, 2010). What I believe is if a person had a good quality technical knowledge along with management skills. Later if he works on dynamic people skills, be proficient in foreign languages; be flexible with timings & culture and easily adaptable to a multicultural environment, no one could stop that person from getting a bright future.

Indians are badly experiencing a lack of dynamic people skills . These are those skills which are most important in business and social life.It includes self-presentation, management, getting along with others, conflict resolution, negotiation and decision- making skills. Very few can have these skills from birth but the rest can attain these skills if they undergo development and training. These interpersonal skills should be provided to everyone, which help in building bright career of an individual. In India, we follow the traditional style of teaching rather than interactive.

This style which cause them to lose interest in the lecture. Secondly, Students feel uncomfortable in asking questions in between the lectures.Thirdly, even teachers are not getting any idea of how many students understand what he is trying to convey. Students need to take notes and if is weak in taking notes; he would hardly remember anything from the lecture. It is required to change the style of teaching to more interactive one.

The capability of a student cannot be measured in terms of grades he earned. History already proved it many times. Those who might fail several times are the most successful people of the world. During my times, there were no professional communication and soft skill classes in school and engineering colleges.Recently, I found my college has added foreign language classes, some courses of general management in engineering and interaction with industry people.

So we can say, our country is towards a right path. In terms of culture, schools are providing cross cultural exposure by celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving day in India as well. As far as language is concerned, you can see small kids are speaking fluent English. They are also taking classes of foreign language. Educational institutions and student themselves are working hard to make a difference.There are few things, which is missing in the education system and business that are hindering our country to compete globally.

It is not only the quality of education , but also infrastructure available labs. There is a big gap in Indian education system and US education system. In India, most of the tools and machines in the labs are too old or unavailable. Students never get a chance to touch the tools ND machines in the lab.

If they have to perform any experiment, there will be a lab in-charge, who will not be a student, will do it for a student.In case of machine breakdown, no student can open it I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I earned a few certifications in the technical field. I entered IT industry as a Software Developer.

Soon, my interest shifted from programming to Project Management. I have gained almost three years of experience in this field. After moving to the United States, I have researched for a year to dig all of my options. For project management, I am owning the one-year course from US Berkeley, Extension. This course will work as a prerequisite for Project Management Professional certification.

In addition, studying in a multi-cultural environment is beneficial in long terms. I am also learning Spanish by myself. Further, I will add few more Microsoft certifications in order to show expertise in my domain. All these together will make a difference when I enter the global market all over again. In this globalizes world, it is no more difficult to stay in the network with people around the world. With the arrival of social-networking sites, such as Linked for reflections networking and Faceable and twitter, it becomes easier to stay in contact no matters wherever you are.

Earlier, I Joined a Business Administration course as I was not eligible for getting into a Global Business course according to the US Berkeley Extension website. However, I requested them ,and they helped me out on it. Though this course is far intensive for me, but it is as per my plan for the future. Importantly, I don't have any plan to stay in the United States for long.

We may move to some other country. In that receiving here will prove to be an added advantage. Just by attending the classes, I m learning about culture, food, etc of different countries without even going there.I have to take charge of my own career development.

Here, I would like to draw attention towards a case of one of my friends. He is native to Nepal, who finished his PhD in Australia; therefore, he is a permanent resident of Australia. He came to the United States in 2010 for one year to Join a professor as a post doc. Later, he got a Job in a company, MASK Instruments, as an Application Scientist. According to him, he was not professionally eligible for this particular position.

There was some other Chinese student who was far more capable than IM.Even so, he got this Job based on the passport he is carrying. As my friend has an Australian passport, which allows him to travel across 151 countries without a visa. The company chose him on this basis only. Now almost every week he travels to Asia & Europe.

This case is contradicting with the required skills an employee should have in a globalizes world. Sometimes not only skills but how freely you can travel around the world, how flexible you and your body is, are important. If we talk about finding and hiring the right person, there will be several ways for finding the right person.The use of professional social websites such as Linked, Entrepreneur Connect, Plano, Raze, King, Twitter to name a few is increasing day by day.

Most of the professionals prefer to remain in the network with all those with whom they share business platform. It includes clients, rivals and strategic partners. With the help of these websites, they find the right person suitable for an organization. As these networking sites will demonstrate the business, interpersonal and technical skills of a person. Based on these skills , company will find potential candidates.

It may give offer of a big salary and other incentives to an employee of a avail company to make him Join the organization. They can also find candidates through employee referrals and Job search engines such as dice. Com,indeed. Com. These candidates will undergo a screening test based on either personality or skills. Meantime, a recruiter will meet with the hiring manager and collect the Job summary , key responsibilities, people management and skills management requirements for a particular position.

Then, the recruiter evaluates the candidate and see how he can fit in the organization.