This attracted many of the high-end cyclists with high pending power and resulted in the existing cycling business to suffer. Anis : Ladies and gentleman, here with us is Mr.. Steven who is the owner of Asked Basil Handel Sad Bad which its core business is a bicycle manufacturer, importer and distributor who will give us an inside look on how he managed to run a bicycle shop. Welcome, Mr.

. Steven to the studio. Farad : Thank you. Meek : Tell us on why bicycle shop? Farad : Well, it started when I was little.

My grandfather taught me on how to build a bike from scratch.From there, I started to develop deep interest on bicycle until I decided to open up my own shop. I used up my savings and was able to open a shop in Fettling Jay and afterwards several outlets in Klan Valley. It can be said that my grandfather is the founder of Asked Basil Handel Sad. Bad.

It can be said that I owe everything to him. Anis : Your grandfather must be an inspiring figure to you. How do you keep up with the increasing number of competitors that you are facing out there? Farad : Yes, he's a figure that I look up to. In any business, competitors are inevitable.

They will always be there regardless what you did. The main thing is how you cope with the tight business environment. For me, I am willing to do what it takes changes. Meek : Can you tell us what kind of business strategy that you adopt? Farad: I adopt cost leadership business level strategy in which the business that focused on the product to have competitive level of differentiation. It aims to appeal to the young customers in which the company is focusing on after there are many new businesses started to come in.

This resulted in re-straightening the business target market.Anis : What was the hardship that the business faced when the cycling business started to mushroom all over the industry? Farad : The sales in KGB dropped on an all time low for its first quarter in 2013 due to these new entrants. This premium bikes attracted high-end cyclists with high purchasing power and this affected the demand for KGB. Meek : Professor Sharing, as an expert what actions or strategies that you would like to propose to resolve the problems faced by the business? And : The company strategy that focused on the cost leadership business level strategy to overcome the business dilemma.

This strategy comprises of designing, research and developing, manufacturing and distributing its own products and proven to have higher successful rate. This strategy avoids rivalry as it avoids price wars with cost leaders. Thus, resulting in five barriers from being created: Rivalry-avoid price wars with cost leaders Buyers-shift demand to KGB therefore increase the market power Suppliers-increase market power, thus absorb cost from increasing Entrants-create entry barriers Substitutes-reinvest economic profit to maintain advantage Anis : Entrepreneurial mind-set and 3 reasons.And : Yes, Steven is being innovative by upgrading his bicycles and tricycle for toddlers and pre-school children. He invents them to come with smart features as ell as meet the international standards for children's products at affordable prices. In order to remain competitive, Steven needs to find the company's target markets that he sees there are opportunities to invent in new products in order to remain in this industry.

Yes, he was able to penetrate the market as he has narrowed the targeted market segments thus making him more focused on this target group needs and wants.By focusing on toddlers and pre-school children, KGB has better chances in that particular market. There are no other competitors in the industry that can affect or become a barrier to success. Under focused cost leadership strategy KGB can control the price of the new product. They can set a higher price on the bicycles because there is no other manufacturer, therefore the customers are being forced to purchase their product. For example, a young customer wanted to buy a bicycle to satisfy his needs but he is aware that there is no other bicycle manufacturer other than KGB.

This would make the customer to have no other option but to shop at KGB. The last reason is potential entrants. Entrepreneurs need to overcome the uniqueness of differential products that present substantial barriers to potential entrants. For example, Steven manufactured bicycles that have smart featured, last longer, lightweight and safe to young children and toddlers. Say : Assembly operations The young customers at KGB would require bicycle with desiring style at low cost.

For these customers, KGB could offers bicycle with good design, function and desired quality at affordable prices. There are several activities that can keep its costs low. For example, instead of relying primarily on third party manufactures, KGB can design kids' friendly and quality lightweight bicycles that meet the international standards for children's products in a good price range. Marketing (including sales) Steven will be able to attract the young customers with more targeted advertising.For example to appeal to the young by making bicycles that are more kids friendly in order to satisfy their needs and focus on doing marketing activity in schools where schoolchildren are more likely needs a bicycle with additional features that would enable them to get to school with ease.

These additional features may be in terms of having a rag so that they would be able to place books and bags instead of carrying them themselves which can sometimes be dangerous to them.