Each topic will be discussed separately, analyses, argued and Integrated Into the essay as a whole so that the reader may have a greater understanding of how these concepts Interact with each other and how each concept may Influence the graduate nurse to org at a professional level how she In turn can tells these concepts to further enhance her professional development. Identify &ump; describe 3 key areas of professional practice (300 words) 1st or 3rd What Is emotional Intelligence ?According to the Centre for nursing (2009), emotional intelligence is a set of skills that defines how effectively we reason, how we understand and manage our own feelings and the feelings, emotions, and mood states of others. Our feelings, our moods and emotions influences our every working day to a positive or negative outcome according to our emotional control. They also impact on our everyday relationships with our fellow workers and influence how we perceive the concepts of team moral, lob satisfaction, and engagement.Romancers, Cain, and Smith (20061 mention that their research demonstrates that emotional intelligence is one of the most important predictors of professional success.
Emotional intelligence underpins how well employees co-operate with each other, which has great consequences for how well our work is carried out. What is the concept of empowerment in nursing ? Monoclinic, (2013) mentions that empowerment in nursing can be defined as the ability to get things done, to mobile resources, to get and use whatever, a person needs to achieve the goals he or she is attempting to meet.At the core of this influence is the intrinsic, essential structure of having knowledge and confidence. (Monoclinic, 201 3) also mentions that empowerment for nurses may consist of three components: a workplace that has the requisite structures that promote empowerment; a psychological belief in one's ability to be empowered and acknowledgement that there is power in the relationships and caring that nurses provide.
Interpersonally teamwork In health care In healthcare, teamwork is the ongoing process of Interaction between team members as they work together to provide care to patients (Clement, Adult and Priest, 2006).An effective health care team recognizes the professional and personal contributions of all members, they recognize team Interdependence and promote Individual development and recognize the benefits of working together; and see accountability as a collective responsibility. The make-up and functioning of teams varies depending on the needs of the patient. The multiplicity of the health Issues defines the task. Providing healthcare is an interdisciplinary effort, the greater the Patients and their families have important roles as team members as decision makers (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, 2006).
Critically discuss the impact of these issues in relationship to the GRIN (700-800) 3rd person The concept f emotional intelligence has grown in popularity among nurses over the last twenty years, generating interest both at a social and a professional level (Freshwater and Stickles, 2004). Today, patient care not only includes quality medical care but also a care concept that encompasses respecting patient's goals (Tethering, 2007). Many Graduate Registered Nurses (GRIN) when confronted with a patient workload and real working situations may find the concept of emotional intelligence very comforting.According to Justice (2010), to understand our emotions and our reactions to other people and situations people must first understand ourselves. Emotional intelligence is not an innate trait, but a learned personal skill that is developed with time and experience.
Emotional empowerment is also intrinsically relative to emotional intelligence, as we cannot be empowered by something that we do not understand ourselves. The application of emotional intelligence to real life situations will aid in the development of nursing empowerment.An emotionally empowered person understands their own feelings at any given time, and where those feelings are coming from. This allows them to be comfortable and secure in their own world, for if there is any confusion present, it is not occurring inside of them (Boucher, 2010). The processes of emotional intelligence leads onto nursing empowerment which in turns leads to the concept of interpersonally teamwork within the health care system. In the past training programs nurses were advised to conceal their emotions in order to maintain a professional barrier.
This provided some protection from the emotional concerns of patients. However, with time ideas change and the nursing profession now requires nurses in the course of patient care, to interact with the patients, the health care workers and the medical fraternity on a continuum. This interaction is not Just conversation. It is an intricate process that involves nurse perception, the understanding of the patient feelings and the use of perception to manage patient situations and achieve a positive outcome for the patient (Enemies 1960).