acceptable use policy
outlines the activities for which a computer and network may and may not be used
access control
a security measure that defines who can access a computer, device, or network when they can access it, and what actions they can take while accessing it
a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window an webpages, e-mail, or other internet services
audit trail
electronic file that records both successful and unsuccessful access attempts
back door
a program or set of instructions in a program that allows users to bypass security controls when accessing a program computer or network
a duplicate of content on a storage medium that you can use in case the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed
biometric device
device that authenticates a person's identity by translating a personal characteristic into a digital code
biometric payment
payment method where the customer's finger print is read by a finger print reader that is linked to a payment method
a program that performs a repetitive task on a network
a group of compromised computers or mobile devices connected to a network that are used to attack other networks
browsing history
a list of all websites you have visited over a period of time
business software alliance
alliance formed by major worldwide software companies to promote understanding of software piracy
a program that displays an image containing a series of distorted characters for a user to identify and enter in order to verify that user input is from humans and not computer programs
a federally funded internet security research and development center
certificate authority
online providers that issue digital certificates
term used in three generation backups to refer to the most recent copy of the file
cipher text
encrypted (scrambled) data
click jacking
scam in which an object that can be clicked on a website such as a button or link contains a malicious program
cloud backup
backup method in which files are backed up to the cloud as they change
code of conduct
a written guideline that helps determine whether a specific action is ethical/unethical or allowed/un-allowed
computer crime
any illegal act involving the use of a computer or related devices
computer emergency response team coordination center
a federally funded internet security research and development center
computer ethics
the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, mobile devices, and information systems
content filtering
the process of restricting access to certain material
continuous data protection
backup method in which all data is backup whenever a change is made
a small text file that a webserver stores on your computer
exclusive rights given to authors artists and other creators of original work to duplicate, publish and sell their materials