It can contribute to negative Impact In term of social and economic placement. Cyber crime Is a new type of crime that occurs In this Science and Technology years. There are a lot of definitions for cyber crime. According to Wisped.

Com cyber crime also known as computer crime that refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. Cyber crime is defined as crimes committed on the internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted victim. Besides that cyber crime can be defined as crimes committed on the internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted volts .Computer can be considers as a tool in cyber rime when the individual is the main target of cyber crime. But computer can be considers as target when the crime is directed to the computer. In addition, cyber crime also includes traditional crimes that been conducted with the access of Internet.

For example hate crimes, telemarketing Internet fraud, identity theft, and credit card account thefts. In simple word, cybercafé can be defined as any violence action that been conducted by using computer or other devices with the access of internet.This action can give harmful effects to other. There are many factors that uses the statistic of cyber crime cannot be detected or analyzed. First, the aggressive development of today's technology making this crime is very difficult to be detected. Second, law enforcement officials lack of necessary technical expertise to deal with criminal activity.

Third, once criminal activity has been detected many businessmen are reluctant to lodge a report because they afraid of adverse publicity, embarrassment, loss of public confidence, Investor loss, or economic repercussions.Due to these factors, the actual number of cyber crime cases and the statistic of Weber crime in our country cannot be recorded accurately. There are three major categories of cyber crimes which are crimes against the person, property and the government. The first category of cyber crimes is cyber crime against person. Cyber crime against person Is Included harassment via email or cyber-stalking.

Cyber Stalking means following the moves of an individual's activity over internet.It can be done with the help of many protocols available such at e- mail, chat rooms, user net groups while, harassment can be included sexual, racial, religious, or others. This crime usually happens to women and teenager. There is a case happened to a student of university of the Philippines where an edited picture of her was posted In the Internet and because of the embarrassment she committed property. These crimes include computer vandalism by transmission of harmful programmer to other computer through internet.

The other example is cyber criminal can take the contents of individual bank account. One widespread method of getting people's bank account details is the money transfer email scam. People receive emails requesting help with transferring funds from another country. Hacking into company websites is property trespass, and stealing information is property theft. Internet time theft also one of the cyber crime against property. It is done by an authorized person in the usage of the internet hours which is actually paid by another person.

The third category is cyber crimes against governments constitute another level of crime. Cyber terrorism is the most serious type of crime in this category. Hacking into a government website, particularly the military sites, is one manifestation of cyber terrorism. The example of cyber crime against overspent is web Jacking. By web Jacking, hackers gain access and control over the website of another, even they change the content of website for fulfilling political objective or for money. Cyber crimes are everywhere, can happen to anyone, in any time.

Some examples of cyber crime are identifying theft, storing illegal information, computer viruses, and fraud. We will discuss about each example in detail. First, we will talk about identify theft. What is actually identify theft? Identity theft, also known as ID theft is a crime in which a criminal obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver's license numbers, in order to pose as someone else. The information can be used to obtain credit, merchandise, and services using the victims' name.

There are two main types of identity theft named account takeover and true name theft.Account takeover identity theft refers to the type of situation where an imposter uses the stolen personal information to gain access to the person's existing accounts. True name identity theft means that the thief uses personal information to open new accounts. The thief might open a new reedit card account, establish cellular phone service, or open a new checking account in order to obtain blank checks. To prevent, don't keep all of your identification and financial information in one place and never write down your PIN (personal identification numbers) anywhere.Besides, never respond to emails or snail mail that requests personal information such as passwords or PIN numbers.

Storing illegal information also considered as cyber crime. Criminals often use the Internet to obtain and transfer illegal images. What do we mean by illegal images on the web? This means images and in some cases text, which you see or may be inadvertently exposed to on a website, which contains child abuse images , criminally obscene content which means images featuring acts of extreme and violent sexual activity. Next is computer virus.A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another computer and that interferes with computer operation. A computer virus may corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an e-mail program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk.

Computer viruses are most easily spread by attachments in e-mail assuages or by instant messaging messages. Therefore, you must never open an e- mail attachment unless you know who sent the message or unless you are expecting images, greeting cards, or audio and video files.Computer viruses also spread by using downloads on the Internet. Computer viruses can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that you may download.

Last but not least, fraud. Fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation which causes another person to suffer damages. Fraud can be committed through many media, including mail, wire, phone, and the Internet (computer crime and Internet fraud). Several types of criminal fraud include false advertising, advance-fee fraud, bankruptcy fraud, etc.The best way to prevent fraud in both personal and organizational finances is to develop processes that protect sensitive information, enforce accountability, and consistently review financial records. Hackers and cyber criminals have been around almost as long as computers have existed.

In recent decades, with advances in technology and the rise of the internet, cyber crimes have evolved in unexpected ways. In today's world, people spend as much, if not more, of their day connected to the internet than they do thou it.Cyber criminals have taken advantage of this by exploiting e-commerce and violating intellectual properties both in the United States and abroad. News viruses, hacking techniques, and criminals emerge every day.

In many cases, the legal system can not keep up, but it is trying. Initially, the internet was compared to the wild west, with no rules or laws governing it. Now, cyber law is beginning to catch up, and it is becoming increasingly harder to break the law online. However, the system is not perfect, and it is still much easier to get away with a crime on the internet than t is in real life.As we have seen by analyzing some of the most relevant laws and cases related to these issues, some aspects of the law are working, and others are not.

Technology isn't going anywhere, and people are continuing to spend more time (and money) on the internet. Every time someone is online, they can be a target of a cyber criminal. As we have discussed, current cyber law generally does a good Job of catching criminals when they are employers working within a victimized company. However, criminals are harder to catch when they are unknown hackers working from anywhere in the world.This is why it is essential to continue working with our foreign allies to strengthen cyber laws not Just in our country but in others.

Another area that needs work is law protecting intellectual property owners against online piracy. Thousands of file sharing sites still exist because they operate in countries where online piracy is legal. We need to focus on these countries and pressure them to make it illegal for these websites to operate, especially when our citizens have access to them. We can also help by cracking down harder on our own citizens who choose o use these sites to download stolen content.

Cyber crime and hacking is not going away, if anything it is getting stronger. By studying past incidents, we can learn from them and use that information to prevent future crime. Cyber law will need to change and evolve as quickly as hackers do if it has any hopes of controlling cyber crime. Law must also find a balance between protecting citizens from crime, and infringing on their rights. The great thing about the internet is how vast and free it is.

Will it be able to remain the same way while becoming tougher on criminals? Only time will tell.