In the ass's they came out individual system such as EMIR, e- CRM, e-pharmacy, etc to keep track of various data in their system although retrieving of data had greatly improved but still not effective due to records that had been mound are required to print out and delivery by hands to the respective health professional. (Cited http:/two. Whimsicality's.

Org/docs/WAP_emir_her. PDF, 20 June 2011) Solution To further enhancement the healthcare data warehouse, by using the SAP Interweave sass they Implemented the Collaborative Health Network (CHIN) also known as the althea which currently used in USA, Canada, South America, Europe and Asia.Depending on the network setup: public health agencies, pharmacies, private & government clinic or even global hospital could link up to through this system (Fig 2. 1). Fig 2. 1 Fig 2.

1 How it works The primary function of this system is patients information are instantaneously updated and shared amongst all participating facilities to through Master Patient Index (IMP), Electronic Health Record (ERR) and It's security is secured by Health Professional Index (HIP) (Fig 2. 2). ) The Master Patient Index (IMP) contains demographic data about a patient: name, aliases, age, affiliation, addresses, known IDs, and insurance data. Anything that can assist in identification is in the PM'. The IMP consolidates all your information across the network, to ensure no duplication and one unique clinical history that will be saved in ERR.

) The Electronic Health Record (ERR) is where CHIN stores summarized data about the clinical encounter history of the patients, irrespective of the type of encounter (ambulatory, Inpatient stay, GAP visit, phone consultation, and so on). ) The Health Professional Index (HIP) Is the location for all data on doctors, nurses, admissions clerks, and so on. This Is where security levels are set, to define which health professional could access the level of data. For instance, an admissions clerk HIP could also use as directory, by gathering a list of doctors and facilities in a particular location, to provide a better direction for the patient. Fig 2.

2 Benefits The idea of CHIN allows all various healthcare systems around the facilities to communicate together and share patient's information as a data warehouse.It also provides a system link to various networks of its organizations in any part of the country to share the information, so that in any point of time CHIN will provide all patient's data immediately even when you lost conscious. With this system, healthcare professionals could have better treatment while the cost is being controlled. Fig 2.

3 Fig 2. 3 References Anon, SAP Community Network Wick - Enterprise Services WICK - Foundation for Collaborative Health Networks. Available at: http://wick. Sad. Sap. Com/wick/display/ Spackles/Foundation+for+Collaborative+Health+Networks [Accessed June 19, 2011].