An electronic indication of a person's intent to agree to the contents of a document, message, or data record 2.

A person's name written with one's own hand utilizing electronic technology 3. He act of signing one's name in an electronic aroma Learn more about e-signature definition. E-signature Software Regurgitate is the leading, all-in-one electronic signature solution trusted by small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. Learn about e-signature software. E- Signature Law Laws in the U. S.

, Canada, U. K. , E. IS. , Australia, New Zealand, and countries around the world establish the legal standing of e-signatures.

Documents signed with compliant e-signature software have the same legal validity as traditional pen-and-paper contracts. Learn more about e-signature law.E-signature is a technology that brings a host of benefits to businesses and nonusers. Also known as electronic signature and digital signature, this software enables users to fill out and sign documents online, from home or office, using any web browser. ; Saves time ; Closes deals faster ; Improves customer experience ; Eliminates paper and ink usage ; Avoids postage and fuel impact ; Protects security and privacy ; Strengthens legal defensibility Use of Computer Technology in Medicine The Use of Computers in Medicine The use of computer technology has greatly enhanced the medical field.This is particularly so in hospital environments where reliability and quality are critical factors.

Many computer applications, such as patient information systems, monitoring and control systems and diagnostic systems, have been used to enhance healthcare. In the hospital, patient information systems allow doctors at different locations to access permanent patient records from a centralized database. This type of computer application enables doctors and or nurses to easily find and send notices to patients who need follow up treatment/ medication. This system also allows for doctors to compare methods of treating illnesses.According to, Information Technology for EX. SEC, this type of system also "allows fast processing of large annuities of patient data that could be used to produce useful information for management purposes".

Another usage of computer applications in the hospital is a patient monitoring and control system. According to Longing Information Technology for EX., these systems "help doctors treat patients by providing 24 hour service and by this reduce the level of false alarms". For example, some surgery patients must continuously be monitored in the ICC; these patients are fitted with sensors connected to the system which record vital signs.