Mixing of the cloud computing with equines intelligent makes Bal affordable and easily available. Cloud computing allows to access the business intelligence applications easily and the other advantages are deployment speed, scalability, elasticity and accessibility.

Many vendors are looking forward to develop strategies and solutions. There are many challenges to overcome when migrating from traditional Bal to cloud Bal. The cloud business intelligence influences the operational and financial factors of the organization and it plays an important role in times of economic crisis in the market.The cloud Bal is adopting lowly around the world and technology is going to be a trend in future. Key Words: Cloud computing, Business intelligence, agility, cloud strategy, scalability, elasticity, accessibility.

Introduction Business intelligence (81) is the ability of organization that converts the information into the knowledge. The knowledge is then used for business purpose to achieve the competition globally. Bal provides relevance and decision making by analyzing and processing the big volumes of structured and unstructured data to get the data of them.The data around the world is increasing day by day with proportion o need for business intelligence. Wang, L.

, Likewise, G. , Younger, A. , He, X. , Sunken, M.

, Tao, J. , & If, C. Unary 01, 2010) said the traditional Bal give the more complex solutions by analyzing the structured and unstructured data. Bal makes the decision makers to reach goals, optimize resources, and increase the efficiency. The need for conceptual and technical integration increases the complexity in the data storage. The cost of making Bal solutions can be met easily by the benefits of Bal.

The infrastructure used in Bal is costly, complex and inflexible.Marcia, M. , Chili, B. , & Stoics, M.

2011) said "Knowledge is derived from information but it is more robust and offers Justified beliefs about relationships relevant to the decision. " FIG 1: Framework of business intelligence (Mark Scott. (2013, September 31). Making business intelligence a part of your organization.

) Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing of data and applications on the internet instead of personal computer. When the data is stored in the hard drive of computer it is known as computing similarly when data is stored in the cloud is known as cloud computing.It works on the network where group of systems unconnected with each other known as internet. Cloud computing mainly relies on sharing of resources over a network and it delivers the hosting services over the internet.

The features of cloud computing are scalable, dynamic, virtual, shared, flexible, configurable, massive infrastructure, dynamic resources, platform with self management and minimal management, all device accessible through internet. FIG 2: Cloud Computing (Anonymous. (n. D. ).

Cloud services. Http://www. Synergy's. Mom/Solutions/ Cloudiness's/) The services offered by cloud are Infrastructure as a service (alas), Platform as a Irvine(Pass) and Software as a service(AAAS). Infrastructure as a service (alas): It provides networking, managing virtual servers, platform fertilization, servers, storage and operating system. Platform as a service (Pass): It is built on alas includes managed middleware such as Bal development services, data integration services, Bal development services, application servers, database management systems, etc Software as a service (AAAS): It purely works on the application layer to provide the software as a service.

The cloud is classified as public and private. Public cloud is sold to any people squired examples are Amazon web services. The private cloud supplies hosting services only to particular group of people. Cloud Business Intelligence Marcia, M.

, Chili, B. , & Stoics, M. (2011) said "traditional decision support systems have evolved to more complex solutions that support structured and unstructured data at all managerial levels and business processes. " The huge increase of the data in form of digital made Bal vendors to offer their tools on the cloud.Business intelligence solutions which are based on cloud computing are increasing significantly. The management efforts to provide software and hardware resources through the cloud are reduced to a significant amount.

THAT, M. , & KUMAR, A. (2012) said business intelligence tools are distributed as a service in cloud computing which comes under Software as a Service (AAAS). AAAS and popular delivery model for all the business applications that are hosted in the cloud and data centric. Such applications are accessible to the end user through internet.

Marcia, M. , Chili, B. , & Stoics, M. (2011) said that AAAS is more inclusive and robust than Infrastructure as a service (alas) and Platform as a Service (Pass). As this generation is trending on cloud computing it is important to learn about cloud and know the benefits of placing the Business Intelligence tools on the cloud. FIG 3: Cloud business intelligence (Cravings Junkyards.

(n. D. ). A cloud computing business intelligence Tamer, C. , Killed, M.

, Ashrams, N. , & Kilgore, J. 2013) said "Integration of a Cloud Bal solution has special interest for organizations that desire to improve agility while at the same time reducing IT costs and exploiting the benefits of Cloud Computing. " Cloud computing is also called as "field for service computing" and it is a virtual environment in which the users can use the space to the limit which the financial recourses of an organization permit.

It also acts bridge between the IT and business services. By integrating cloud computing with business intelligence in this way the IT services and enterprise services are performed effectively.Cloud computing contains virtual applications and Service Oriented Architecture (SOAK) of software and hardware. The vendors, consumers of cloud services and the partners of business share the resources provided by the cloud. The different services offered by the loud are business cloud, infrastructure cloud, application cloud and software cloud.

By the pool of resources provided together the costs are reduced to the significant amount. By cloud computing the cost of maintaining huge data centers is reduced.In addition to the benefits of the cloud computing the organizations should concentrate on the risks as well. According to Gash, D. , Arachnid's, T.

, ; Frolics, M. (2011) privacy and security of the data is more concerned and the legal business procedures should be followed. Organizations should understand the risks of cloud imputing while adopting to it and in parallel should maintain consistency with stakeholders, business goals, regulators and partners. The sharing of resources in the cloud may lead to insecurity of data.A single problem in cloud may affect all the users and organization may get a bad remark. Clouds have threats from insider and outsider so the security responsibility is shared among the cloud users and many third parties.

Benefits of cloud business intelligence Cloud business intelligence has many benefits in the real time projects. They are 1. Migratory computing Migratory computing means it provides computing, services and communications when the cloud users move from place to place. The users do not lose the access to the tools while migrating.Migratory computing increases with globalization. The business vendors around the world may have different policies and the main company may have different internal policies, so the company should take measures to maintain same policies around the world.

2. Significant reduction in cost: The end user can use the Bal tools as much as he required and pay to only what he uses that would cut down the cost by huge amount. Irrespective of the issues with cloud Bal some of the customers adopt to the cloud only due to the reduced costs.So cost BI an important role in the cloud Bal.

3. Flexibility in deployment: It's easy to deploy Bal tools into the cloud without much upgrade of tools and software architecture. The companies may adopt to the cloud Bal solution easily. 4.

Elasticity of Computing: The faster the computing power is the more it inclines towards cloud business intelligence. As the volume of the data increases the Bal users can extend their space in the cloud and if the data decreases the space can be decreased which is the main advantage of clod business intelligence.Risks of cloud business intelligence There are some big risks in cloud business intelligence which the organizations should concentrate. They are 1. Data Breaching: When the maintenance of data is given to the third party there will be more chances of data breaches. If the data breaching occur in cloud through third party the recovery process would be very slow.

So the organization should take strong security measures. 2. Cloud unavailability: The cloud availability also depends on the third party. If their servers crash denuded, there is a risk that cloud might not be available.