Case Study - Creating aMethodologyWhyis it best to have six or less life-cycle phases in an EPM system?The President of theCompany John Compton, put forth his views in a meeting regarding the need forthe Project Management Methodology and its impact in gaining the contractswhich would enable them to get back into the competitive market. Enterprise ProjectManagement Methodology which can be abbreviated as EPM, takes intoconsideration the impacts of the direct vs indirect decisions made in theprogress of the entire project. It would be ideal in the case of large projectsas the EPM breaks the complex projects into smaller parts that would be takenup in a sequential format to accomplish the target and yield the desiredresults. Analysis of risks, transformation of the size of the projects,reviewing the performance of the resources, reporting on a continuous basis andanalyzing the use of the tools that would be used in the course of the project.

 (Collins, 2016).The Consultant who hadvisited this company had clearly explained to the employees the advantages thatwould be gained using the Project Management and how the Enterprise ProjectManagement Methodology would add value in the achieving the goals. Theconsequence of the three-hour session ended up with the formation of PMO whodecided to come up with a five-step process. The first step of the processfocused on the number of the life cycle phases that should be associated withthe project.

An effective Enterprise Project Management Methodology   would be limited to no more than six lifecycle phases, the main reason is gate review meetings are directly proportionalto the number of life cycle phases. To explain this better, if there are morenumber of life cycle phases, each life cycle phase would have a gate reviewmeeting and each of this meeting involves a lot of documentation which wouldkill most of the time of the Project Managers who had rather focused on otheractivities concerning the project would better enhance the progress.Considering the time as a major constraint, the number of life cycle phases inthe EPM system was set to a maximum of six. (Kerzner, 11th Edition)ReferencesHarold. Kerzner, "ProjectManagement – A systems Approach to planning, scheduling and controlling" CaseStudy – Creating a Methodology.

Retrieved January 21, 2018.Jeff, Collins (June 20th,2016). Innovative Management Solutions. What is Enterprise Project Management.Retrieved January 21, 2018 from