Cars definitely make human life more easy and comfortable. There are infinite reasons why a car is a beneficial mode of transportation to a camel. To have a convenient life is the main goal for today's world and to own a car for sure has a part in it. But against all these good features about cars, some do say that the world would be better if people use camels.

This statement is utterly unbelievable because cars play good two benefits in it. Firstly, cars are faster than camels. They can drive 135 km. /h. Whereas camels can only go 14-16 km. H.

However, camels are able to travel anywhere. In spite of this, camels take a long time to travel. Therefore, one can argue that the speed of a car is quicker than a camel. Additionally, camels sometimes hate their riders violently and they also can kick and stamp on them. In contrast, cars do not love or hate their drivers.

Despite this, we can only make a new camel if we have a male and a female camel, and we have to wait about a year before the camel is born whereas to have a new car is easier than a new ample.The car company can make one in 22 hours. Consequently, one is able agree that the personality of a car is better than a camel. In conclusion, a car' s fastness is quicker than a camel and the character of a car is also better than a camel.

Cars can make human life more simple as well as this it would be better for one's life to have a car. Ultimately, the globe will be more peaceful if all countries rely on increased public transport system and encouraging drivers and theirs passengers to use it.