Essential standards for quality & safety compliance criteria The equal pay act 1975 The disability discrimination act 1995 Race relations act 1976 The children act 1989 The children act 2004 The NHS and community care act 1990 The data protection act 1984 The mental health act 1983 Sex discrimination acts 1975 and 1986 Care standards act 2000 Care home regulations 2001 European convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms 1950 The convention on the rights of the child 1989 Human rights act 1998 The disability discrimination act 2005 GSCC code of practice for social care workersGSCC code of practice for employers of social care workers The patient's charter I promote equality and diversity and inclusions , through our policies and procedures in the delivery of services, In my role I will be seen to promote egalitarianism and uphold individuals equality of opportunity, individual rights and choice, their privacy, individuality, independence, dignity, respect, promote empowerment, equality of care, confidentiality and their wishes and needs. The way in which we show diversity and except other individuals differences can be shown in the following.Complaints procedure (readily available), Consultation/participation (individuals have the right and are encouraged to actively participate in consultations regarding changes to home policies and procedures, Individuals care plans are regularly updated to take into account any changes to the individuals health, needs and wishes, Maintaining confidentiality (store care plans safely), Person centred care planing (individuals rights and choices encompassed within their care plan), Various planned activities(Activities that are inclusive and individuals choice), Offering choices(choices of meals , clothes), Promoting independence(encouraging active support and empowerment of individuals), All residents are allowed to practice their religion beliefs, Respecting individuals privacy(Knocking doors before entering), Work place policies readily available to all and information readily available and various formats appropriate to each individuals needs. Inclusion, equality opportunity and anti discrimination are central principles in social care.All activity needs to be planned on the basis that so individuals may need additional support to overcome the barriers they face.

Barriers are those things that prevent or make access to a service more difficult for certain groups and individuals. The barriers faced depend on each workplace and environment within you work, these barriers could include the following : Age, Gender or gender identity, Disability (physical or sensory impairment), Faith, Ethnic origin, Sexual orientation, Communication (literacy and language) Other barriers may include: Structural, wto those here circumstances create or result in barriers such as access to a good education, adequate housing, sufficient income to meet basic needs.Structural barriers are associated with poor life outcomes that can be observed in the significant disparities in health between areas of affluence and those associated with poverty. Institutional, where policies, processes, practices sustain an organisational or service culture that excludes certain people or groups, an obvious example being what is called the glass ceiling I. e that while not visible, a ceiling exists beyond which women find it very difficult to progress. Cultural barriers can prevent, for example, consideration of spiritual, relation or dietary needs that do not confirm with traditional expectations.

For example it took 3 days to organize halal food.Personal barriers, for example where healthcare staff hold individual prejudices that influence their practice. These actions may be conscious, but as we have discussed, they can often be unconscious or unwitting. Attitudinal barriers are not as easy to identify as physical barriers, but they can feel every bit as real to those who are exposed to them. Some vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals need more support to ensure their voice is heard and they are able to have power in the decision making process. Remember that everyone is an individual.

People do not always like to be categorised as from a particular equalities group. And individuals within equalities groups will have vastly different experiences, views and opinions. 1. The legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, stems both from UK government and European union. It offers protection from discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender, race and ethnic origin, religious faith or belief and sexual orientation.

The legislation has implications on all workplaces, in terms of employment practice and in terms of the services provided. Compliance with the legislation must be embedded in your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies. You need to adopt a very broad based approach to ensure that all relevant legislative requirements are addressed and take full responsibility for actions in your sphere of responsibility.As senior as well as manager you will be responsible for ensuring ongoing appropriate staff development and training to support all staff in promoting inclusiveness and meeting legislation requirements. In addition meet with staff to give appropriate updates on relevant events and legislation and to discuss appropriate issues.

Health and social care providers are obliged to incorporate legislation relating to equality, diversity and discrimination into their policies and procedures. Workplace procedures dictate best practice regarding how work activities must be carried out, and they must be followed. Anything else would contravention of the law, and be breaching an individuals rights.Some of the legislations which may impact on area of responsibility could include: The residential care and nursing homes regulations 2002.

This protects the rights of people living in care homes. The children act 2004. This protects children's rights by requiring local authorities to be flexible in meeting children's needs. The health and social care act 2008. This act established the care quality commission (CQC), whose remit is to protect and promote the right of people using health and social care services in UK to quality care and to regulate its provisions.

CQC took over the roles of healthcare commission, commission for social care inspection and the mental health act commission in march 2009.These pieces of legislation have helped us move forward on equality, but 2009 women were still earning, on average, 23% less per hour than men, less able but better off children were overtaking more able, poorer children at school by the age of 6 people with disabilities were still more than twice as likely to be out of work than able bodied people, and one in 5 older people was unsuccessful in getting quotations for motor insurance , travel insurance and car hire. This prompted government to bring into force THE EQUALITY ACT which brought different types of discrimination within one piece of legislation. It provides understandable , practical guidance for employers, service providers and public bodies to ensure that right to fair treatment are promoted for everyone . Equality act 2010 is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and wider society.

The act replaced previous anti discrimination laws with single act to make the law simpler and to remove inconsistencies. This makes law easier for people to understand and comply with. The act also strengthened protection in some situations. The act covers nine protected characteristics, which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly.

Every person has one or more of the protected characteristics, so the act protects everyone against unfair treatment. They protected characteristics are the following; Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation.The equality act sets out the different ways in which it is unlawful to treat someone, such as direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, victimisation and failing to make a reasonable adjustment for a disabled person. The act prohibits unfair treatment in the workplace, when providing goods, facilities and services, when exercising public functions, in the disposal and management of premises, in education and by association(such as private clubs). The equality act will for instance impact on my role as senior with regards recruitment. I will need to ensure that your job specification does not discriminate against particular groups of applicants.

When processing applications I should concentrate on an individuals abilities to do the job, not their disabilities. Make adaptations to accommodate individuals differences e. g. working hours, special equipment needs etc. CODES OF PRACTICE. In England and Wales, the general social care council (GSCC) is responsible for ensuring that standards within social care sector are of the highest quality.

It has developed codes of practice for all care workers that include information on how to protect and promote the rights of individuals using the service. The codes of practice provide a guide to the best practice and set out standards of conduct that workers are expected to meet.