Business Leadership Exam Review Section 2.

1 - Thinking Technology * Continuing transformation of the modern workplace through: * The internet * World Wide Web * Computers * Information Technology * Increasing demand for knowledge workers with the skills to fully utilize technology. Globalization * National Boundaries of world business have largely disappeared. * Globalization is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product market and business competition that characterize the new economy. Diversity Workplace diversity reflects differences with respect to gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and able bodiedness. * A diverse and multicultural workforce both challenges and offers opportunities to employers.Section 2.

2 - Thinking Industrial Era Scientific Management * Core idea is to give workers menial jobs to lead to the creation of a whole product * It is to structure and reduce confusion in the workplace, was meant for factory work. Weber’s Bureaucratic Organization * Believed that bureaucracy which is a form of organization could solve problems. Characteristics of Weber’s bureaucratic organization are: * Clear division of labor: Jobs are well defined and workers become highly skilled at performing them. * Clear hierarchy of authority: Authority and responsibility are well defined for each position and each position reports to a higher level. * Formal rule and procedures: Written guidelines direct behavior and decisions in jobs and written files are kept for historical records. * Impersonality: Rules and procedures are impartially and uniformly applied with no one receiving preferential treatment.

Career based on merit: Workers are selected and promoted on ability and performance, and managers are career employees of the organization. Middle Era Mary Folett * Interrelatedness - 'coactive' as opposed to coercive * Power with an emphasis on 'power-with' rather than 'power-over' people; where the 'situation' will dictate the action that needs to be taken * A community-based approach with the idea that natural leaders are born within the group * The leader guides and in turn is guided by the group * Teaching is carried out by leading A skillful leader influences by stimulating others * The idea of fluid leadership where leaders and followers are in a relationship and the role of leader flows to where it is needed - informal leadership is in the workplace Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs * A need is a physiological or psychological deficiency a person feels the compulsion to satisfy. This is a significant concept for managers because needs create tensions that can influence a person’s work attitudes and behaviors. * Maslow identified 5 levels human needs.Highest to lowest, they are: 1.

Self – Actualization needs 2. Esteem needs 3. Social needs 4. Safety needs 5. Physiological needs Henri Fayol’s Administrative Principles * Theories of 6 types of operations, 9 levels, 5 elements of administration, 14 principles of administration, 16 management duties and 7 qualities of managers. * Division of Labor – specialization of work will result in continuous improvements in skill and labor.

* Espirit de Corps – work to build harmony and cohesion among personnel. * Equity – managers should be kind and fair. Order – there is a place for everything and all things should be in their place. Hawthorn Effect * Main concept of the research program was to make amends to the tradition work ethics. *The influence of the study conducted led to the discovery of the Hawthorne Effect, is a change in the way people may perform because of how they were presented with special attention. Argyrls’s Theory of Adult Personality * He believes that managers that treat their employees with a positive attitude, and are responsible adults will achieve the highest productivity.

His theory is that if managers expand the job responsibilities in the work force, which will allow more tasks to the employees, the employees will gain more responsibilities and try harder to succeed in what they do. * Managers will benefit from this because the workplace will no longer be filled with negative attitude. Theory X, Theory Y, Managers *Read also Comprehensive Exam Review Review - https://studytiger.

com/final-exam-review-2311/McGregor noticed that workers had two very distinct attitude and motivation towards the work force. * Some workers seemed to be a strategic asset while others were not as interested in the success of the company. The led him to believe that it wasn’t the workers that made the difference, but it was the overall attitude and guidance of the managers. Theory X Workers| Theory Y Workers| * Dislike work * Lack ambition * Irresponsible * Prefer to be led| * Willing to work * Accept Responsibility * Self – Directed * Motivated| Modern Era Learning Organization * An organization that continuously changes and improves, using the lessons of experience.

* Mental Models * Everyone sets aside old ways of thinking. *Terms given to ingrained assumptions held by individuals and organizations must be changed. Unwanted values held by the organization, these need to be discarded. * Personal Mastery * Everyone becomes self aware and open to others. * Commitment of an individual * Individual learning is required – cannot be forced if not receptive to learning. * Systems Thinking * Everyone learns how the whole organization works.

* Assesses the company and well have developed information systems that measure the performance of the organization as a whole and of its various components. * Shared Vision * Everyone understands and agrees to a plan of action. * Creates a common identity that can provide focus and energy for learning.Usually long term goals that are essential to the company. * Team Learning * Everyone works together to accomplish the plan.

* Requires individuals to engage in dialogue and discussion. * Employees grow more quickly and problem solving capacity improves through better access of knowledge and experience. Global Awareness * Is for individuals in society to be aware of problems, and difficulties happening n our world today. * In order for us to be more aware of the surroundings, we need to educate ourselves and others about the impacts that globalization is creating in our communities.Section 3. 1 - Application Leadership Styles Autocratic Leadership – Acts in unilateral command, control fashion (task over people) Democratic Leadership – Encourages participation with an emphasis on both task and accomplishment and development of people.

Laissez Faire Leadership – Displays a “Do the best you can, but don’t bother me” attitude. Transformational Leadership – Inspirational and arouses extraordinary effort/ performance. Transactional Leadership – Directs the efforts of others through tasks, rewards, and structures.Charismatic Leadership – Develops special leader – follower relationships and inspires others.

Directive Leadership – Letting workers know what is expected; giving directions on what to do, and how’; scheduling work, maintaining performance. Supportive Leadership – Doing things to make work more pleasant; treating group members as equals; being friendly and approachable, showing concern. Achievement – Oriented Leadership – Setting challenging goals; expecting the highest level of performance; emphasizing continuous improvement in performance; displaying confidence in meeting high standards.Participative Leadership – Involving workers in decision making; consulting workers; asking for suggestions and using the suggestions when making decisions. Authentic Leadership – Activates positive psychological states to achieve self awareness and positive self regulation.

BCG Matrix * Analyses business opportunities according to market growth rate and market shares. High Question Marks * Market Growth Rate for Products/Services Poor position ; growing industry * Low Market Share/ High Growth Businesses| Stars * Dominant Position ; Growing Industry * High Market Shares/High Growth Businesses| LowDogs * Poor Position; Low – Growth Industry * Low Market Share/ Low Growth Businesses| Cash Cows * Dominant Position; Low Growth Industry * High Market Share/ Low Growth Businesses| High igh Low Market Share of Products/Services 3. 2 Case Study Analysis – Application Format: 1. No summary. 2. Problem – have 1 major issue for the continued success of the company.

No secondary problem required. 3. Alternatives – 3 required ; description, 1 pro, 1 con ; include “ Do Nothing”. 4. Recommendation – Choose one of the Alternatives, no additional explanation needed.

5. No conclusion.