They want to keep the leadership of the Bangladesh tobacco industry by creating long term shareholder value.

Tactical planning: To maintain their position in market they define leadership in both a quantitative and qualitative sense. Quantitively, they seek volume leadership among our international competitors and in the longer term, value leadership. They recognize that our success will depend on adult consumers and that, therefore, they try to be consumer driven. They also take care of customers’ satisfaction through better quality. So they take feedback from customers and keep researching for ensuring better quality.

Operational Planning:Operational planning is done by researching customers’ needs, quality of product and satisfying customers’ demands. In order to deliver their vision, BATB’s strategy for creating shareholder value has four elements around which all their efforts revolve - Growth, Productivity, Responsibility and Winning Organization. BATB seeks to increase their volume and value share of the global tobacco market through both organic growth and mergers and acquisitions. For organic growth, they are concentrating on the key strategic segments of the market that offer the best prospects for long term growth, including Premium and International Brands.BATB continues to focus on the growth of Global Drive Brands as well as being prepared to exploit opportunities for profitable volume growth in Value for Money and Low Price Segments. They also wish to sustain or develop strong positions in priority markets – simply defined as the largest and most profitable ones.

BATB believes it is important to continue to develop and utilize innovative, differentiated products and to offer consumers added value from their brands. Their people are aligned with our strategy and we are ever better at executing it.They are rigorous in our recruitment policies, performance management and succession planning. To tackle the challenges ahead BAT BD encourages dialogue, shares knowledge, learns from its mistakes and replicates winning formulas quickly. They collect customer’s feedbacks in various ways and research for the betterment of their product in their modern research and development division. Contingency planning: The contingency planning includes competitive situations that include the promotion of the specific product or brand due to increased competition and provision of special offers like indirect gifts.