B Barriers to Effective Communication University of Phoenix CA/304 Effective communication is a complex phenomenon that involves the verbal and nonverbal components in their cooperation. The main target of communicational process is transmission of information when the sending party wants the recipient to decode the message in the same way as it is coded. Nevertheless, the communicational process consists of the various components that may become the barriers for understanding.

The workers of the law enforcement and criminal Justice acclivities also may face some problems that are connected with communicational problems and thus they need to dedicate special attention to various elements of communication. Understanding the constituents of communication, mastering the barriers to communication, and practicing the strategies that help to eliminate them can create a professional communicant. The process of communication can be divided into the following elements: context, sender or encoder, message, medium, recipient or decoder, and feedback.All of the constituents have their roles in communication and thus they all are important in order to transmit the information correctly.

Communication highly depends on the context of the process, for instance the cultural or historical features, and has to be considered by the sender. The sender of the message conveys the certain information but he/she also employs the words, language of the body, and other kinesics that influence the process. The message is the actual information that is going to be sent from the encoder to the recipient.The medium also plays an important role in communication while the oral and the written medium of immunization have different features and impacts. The message is aimed to be received by the decoder who has to understand it and provide the feedback.

In the effective communication it is important to take into consideration the length of the message, since a concise and definite message by the meaner of the right medium and in the appropriate context is comprehended much better (Marquis, 2013). Communication consists of the verbal and nonverbal elements that can convey either similar or different messages.The verbal communication consists of the actual rods, the language the tone of a communicant as well as the pitch of the voice and pace of the speech. Body language can refer to the verbal communication but it can be determined as the group of nonverbal elements. Among the nonverbal elements of communication there are kinesics, facial expressions, eye movements, gestures, and any signs of hesitation. These elements of Paraguayan constitute an important part of the process of communication and can either help or hinder communicants.

In the process of communication there can be differentiated the processes of existing and hearing.Listening can refer to the recipient's attempt to hear the message; however, this process can be affected by various distractions or disability to understand the message. The human brain has the ability to concentrate on the certain elements to which the attention of the listener is dedicated (Horopito, 2012). When the brain of the listener does not control the process of communication the part of the message can be lost; as a result the decoded message differs from the encoded one and the process of communication loses its full efficiency.Hearing the message involves the maximum attention to the words and nonverbal cues of the sender.

Finally, when the recipient not only listens to but also hears the message the process of communication is of very high efficiency. Criminal Justice organizations include police, courts, Juvenile, and corrections facilities. Communication and transmission of information are indispensable elements that help to share and exchange information. The channels that are employed in this task can be divided into the formal and informal that can also refer o documented or undocumented ones.Among the formal channels of the information 's transition there can be determined downward, upward, and horizontal communication. The downward communication is connected with the instructions that are sent from the authorities to the employees of the lower ranks, while the upward communications refers to the feedback to the directors by the subordinates or sharing the data that has been collected by the employees.

Finally, horizontal information exchange disregards any hierarchical differences but it is predominantly employed by employees of the same rank or in the certain group projects and problem solving.Informal channels of information do not concern the formal processes or proceedings directly but help the employees to interact. With the help of the informal channels of communication the officers can share any of the working details; however, the data loses its validity and precision and becomes shifted. Various communicational barriers also can contribute to the alteration of the data.

There are various elements of communication that can become barriers for instance engage differences, distraction of the communicants, and false assumptions of the recipients due to the incorrect decoding of the message.Paraguayan also can provide several barriers that can influence the process of communication in the wrong way: facial expressions, kinesics, gestures, such as hand movements, eye movements, or other signs. There are also the elements that can be perceived as the signs of deception, for example the lack of the eye contact, the lack of confidence, or blinking. Any physical features can also constitute the barriers for example appearance of the communicants and the first impression, while such physical barrier as microphone can hinder the speaker in front of the audience.