There should be a designated smoking area on campus Who is my primary audience? Smokers Who else will read the document? Waukesha County Technical College Presidential President staff and student body 2.

What is my relationship to this audience? Student and smoker 3. How will my document be used (to solve a problem, make a decision, perform a task, answer a question, etc.? Make a decision 4. How much and what is my audience likely to already know about this topic? All audience will be well informed on this topic 5.What else does the audience need to now (background, definition, and so on? 6.

What main questions are most users likely to have? Who will clean up all the mess, who will empty ash trays, and who will be responsible if students do not clean up after themselves Attitude and Personality 7. What attitudes or misconceptions is the audience likely to have toward the topic? Are they likely to have any objections? Yes many objections, from non-smokers 8. What attitude does the audience seem to have toward me?She wants to turn this school into a big ashtray or if people are careless they could burn the school down, hey are going to leave a mess 9. How receptive to new ideas is this organization? I am not too sure on this subject 10. Who will be most affected by this document? Everyone 11.

What do I know about the user's or group's personality (way of thinking, behaving, and reacting? ) Hopefully open-minded 12. What reaction to this document can I expect? A mix of reactions 13. Do I risk alienating anyone? I don't think so 14. Do I face any constraints and why?Ethical Constraints based on honesty and fair play Expectations about the Document 5.

Has this document been requested or am I initiating it? Initiating 16. How will the cultural context shape this audience's expectations? If this affects any culture values it change views of others 17. What length will the audience expect and tolerate and why (spell it out or keep it concise)? Spell it out, most likely because they need to gain trust back from all of the other failed attempts 18. For this audience, what kinds of detail will be most important (conclusions, a summary, cost factors, how the material affects them?Cleanliness, who will be in charge if things aren't done according to the plan and what will happen in reference to that 19. How would they expect the piece to be organized? Detailed 20. What tone would this audience expect? Connected 21.

What is this document's intended effect on its audience? (win the audience's support for a project, position, or idea; bring about a definite action; change behavior; instruct about a procedure.