Final paper Fuji Ge, also named as Alex Ge, who was born in 1939. He was an immigrant from China. Now he lives in Mesa, Arizona. He has two sons and four grandchildren.

He usually spends his days on the gardening and golf. He used to work as a painter. He still loves to paint when he was free. Compare to the first 30 years what he has been through; this seems a heaven for him. In 1939, the year when Alex born. The war between China and Japan has become more and more violent.

Two older brothers ofAlex were called into army and killed by Japanese tank during the war. His parent's were extremely sorrowful. In order to keep the last son of the family, they want to send their little son to America. However, it was so difficult to give Alex a legal identification which can let Alex go to the foreign country easily. In September of 1939, German invaded Poland.

France and Britain declared the war to German at the same year. World War II started. Because of the support by Soviet and America, Chinese army started to fight back.More soldiers gave up their lives to protect the homeland. Ale's parent also found some support.

The uncle of Alex, who moved to United States few years ago, sent them a letter says that he can take care of Alex, the only son of the family. During that period of time, United States didn't get involved to the World War II. It seems the safest place in the world. On May 5th 1940, little Alex went abroad.

His parent's sold all the things in hometown even the old house. Ale's father used to work as a famous painter in China. But he decided to sold all of his painting.The time on the ship was the most horrible time for the family.

There was about 20 people stay in a small room. A lot of people get sick, and the flu spread out quickly. Every day, some people dead. The food was never enough for adults. Ale's dad gave his food to his wife, so Ale's mom can have enough milk to feed the little Alex.

After three months on the sea, the family finally reached the dream land, US. Uncle Wang came to pick the family and lead them to small room in a gold mine where uncle Wang worked at. Uncle Wang introduced Ale's father to work in the mine.And Ale's mom started to stitch for the clothing factory which makes the uniform for the US Army. When Alex was nine, he started to work as his father and uncle. Although, he was not strong enough, he can still make a little of money.

The whole family didn't talk to strangers much often. Because their illegal status, they are afraid to be sent back to China which meaner the death. In 1965, Alex was 26 years old. He can fluently speak both English and Chinese. He dreamed to be a famous painter in US Just like his father. The family also wishes Alex can do the Job he loved.

However, Alex still can't get the US identification which meaner he was still an illegal immigrant. Fortunately, the Immigration Act of 1965 made Alex and his family become United States residents. Alex worked harder and harder in order to pay for the painter's paraphernalia. He usually was off from the market around pm and then he would work in a Chinese restaurant.

After half year, He makes enough money to start his art life. But the living expense in San Francisco is little bit expensive, so he move to Arizona winner a lot AT essence Immigrants move to, sat t to make ten painting.Now he is one of the most famous Chinese painters in the world. He was good at the western skills of the painting which he learned from the art school.

And also he was good at some Chinese traditional skill of painting which he learned from his father. Alex doesn't remember the time when his two brothers were killed during the World War II. And he also don't remember the time his parent's lead him to leave China. He was lucky because he don't have any memory of the World War II. However, his parent's always told him the story of the family.How his brothers were killed in the war? These old and cruel stories make the Alex believe that all wars could bring is the pain and tear.

He was grateful for the 1965 Immigration Act, which changed his life. And a lot of Chinese immigrants started a new life after the Act. Before the 1965 Immigration Act, Chinese immigrants can only work in the mine and railroad. They were discriminated and can't get the same pay as the white workers. They don't have health insurance.

They were considered as unskilled Asian labor, the cheap labor.After the Act, they can have their own rights to vote. They can have their own business. In Arizona, Alex had a pretty good life. He met his wife in the art school. They fall in love quickly.

Now His wife is also his art soul mate. He did most of his painting in Arizona. He loves the desert in Arizona. Alex always said that the desert gave all the ideas in his art. Now, he had a beautiful house in Mesa. He put all his painting on the wall.

He said I may sell some of them. But I will keep this picture to the grave. It's the first picture I made for my homeland. China.