Explain why Venus is worried and her plan to remedy her worries 7.
Explain why Virgil prefers the epithet "father Aeneas" (1. 7, 977) in Book 1 8. Discuss differences seen between the folk epics and literary/art epic (See GQ3 - 1) 9. Identify epic conventions found (See GQ3-1) As is necessary for an epic to be an epic, the story begins in medias res. Aeneas is almost at the end of his wanderings, trying to find this fated new land.
Use these brief notes below to help guide yourself through the reading: Lines 1 - 18 Introduction Lines 19 - 220 Juno starts storm; Aeneas and men in storm; Neptune stops storm Lines 221 - 311 Aeneas' ships land; men eat; Aeneas calms fears Lines 312 - 417Venus appeals to Jupiter; Jupiter tells Aeneas' future Lines 418 - 430 Jupiter sends Mercury to prepare Dido for Aeneas' arrival Lines 431 - 521 Aeneas explores; Venus disguised tells history of Dido Lines 522-549 Aeneas briefly tells his story Lines 550- 594 Venus tells Aeneas other ships are safe; Aeneas scolds Venus; Aeneas heads out for Carthage Lines 595-697 First view of Carthage; Aeneas views artwork depicting Trojan War Lines 698 - 790 Introduction of Dido; Aeneas sees lost men; men ask Dido for help Lines 791 - 917 Dido welcomes Trojans; Aeneas and Dido's first conversation; exchange of giftsLines 918-970 Venus worried for Aeneas; puts plan in place Lines 971 - end Banquet; Ascanius (i. e. , Cupid) does his Job; Dido asks Aeneas to tell his story 800k 2 After reading Book 2, you should know the following: Laocoon, Sinon, Priam, Anchises, Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus), Creusa Venus, Palladium Tenedos, Pergamus 2. In this book, the first three lines are the only lines not spoken by Aeneas. Punctuation used to show that Aeneas is speaking Punctuation when Aeneas is telling what another person said Explain what these punctuation marks are telling the reader: o Beginning of line 107 3.
4.End ot line Beginning of line149 End of line 152 Beginning of line 153 Virgil's choice of topics for similes Rome had Just been through a turbulent time in its history. Civil wars, assassinations, the fall of the republic, power struggles and more had left Rome a broken republic. Morals and ethics had disappeared. The gap between rich and poor was huge.
After defeating Antony, Augustus was left to put the pieces back together again into a new governmental format”an empire with an emperor. For more details about the differences between the republican type of government and he empire, read the easy to understand blog