/by Lyubomira Petkova/
In the world of new technologies and commerce advertising is a significant mechanism of the great machine for making money. No matter we like it or not, we, the consumers, are forced to watch and listen to advertisements on the television, on the radio, on the internet, on posters and billboards in the streets.

It will be interesting to find out how this mechanism, called advertising, works.
It is not by chance that mass media is the main source of advertisements. Psychologists have found that Media, defined as the forth authority in the contemporary society, exert an enormous influence on the minds of people on a subconscious level. In this way psychologists explain the fact that when we should choose between non-advertised and advertised product we prefer the advertised one in most of the cases. We make this choice not because the advertised product is better, but because we hear about it indefinitely many times a day.

So the purpose of advertising is to get our attention and therefore make the advertised product better sold. In this way advertisers make profit. But unfortunately often only money matters for producers, not quality, and the consumers remain disappointed. As a result the consumers become skeptically disposed towards advertisements and they find them boring and intrusive.
On the other hand advertisements keep us informed of the new products that come out on the market.

The increasing rivalry makes the producers think of many different methods of advertising to get our attention. So the number and diversity of advertisements that flow over us daily increase rapidly and our choice between various advertised products enlarges.
Media also make profit of the mechanism, called advertising. Advertisers pay large sums of money to have their advertisements broadcasted or published.
Therefore, it seems obvious that everything in the modern world goes around money and advertisements will continue to be a part of our daily life. There is, however, one thing we should not forget and it is loyalty, because every advertiser is also a consumer and every consumer is a potential advertiser.