As has been seen, there aredifferences in the main character, the central relationship, the author'sapproach, and the conclusion of the story. As the narrator states, "Forlorn as it appeared at this first approach, I surmised that Jordan's End must have possessed once charm as well as distinction.

The second is that Glasgow does notwant to sit back detached from the story and view a person's descent intomadness, as if it is an experiment to be watched. However, one major difference is made. In Poe's version, there is no happy ending.With this ending, the meaning is createdthat Mrs Alan Jordan will continue to suffer, but that life will go on andright itself. The next major difference in the story is that the centralrelationship changes.

This ends with the narratorrunning from the house and the house collapsing. But the whole place was badly in need of repair" (Glasgow 360). In Poe's story, thestory begins with a sense of doom and ends when the reason for the doom hasplayed itself out. Unlike Poe's story, there's no sense of detachment in Glasgow's version.When Mrs Alan Jordan tellsher husband she is back, the narrator states that "she said it in a voicethat wrung my heartstrings" (Glasgow 363). In Poe's story, the narrator describes the house saying, "l knownot how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense oflnsufferable gloom pervaded my spirit" (Poe 148).

This change by Glasgow is achange to a very female perspective, with the love relationship central,and the major point of interest being how this sad wife will cope with herhusband's demise.