We all want to be successful in life. In order to succeed, you must focus on the "private victory'. Focusing on the private victory meaner putting yourself first.

You need to worry about yourself and your future before worrying about others. Some habits that help you do this is, being proactive, beginning with the end it mind, and putting first things first. First, "be proactive". Being proactive is doing positive things for yourself in the future.

Your behavior in high school will affect your future, so make the right choices f you want a good life ahead of you.In High School, teenagers love to get into trouble. But getting into trouble gets you nowhere in life, all is does is ruin who you are. For example, a student got into drugs. All it took was one time trying it and they were hooked.

It ruined their life, from marriage to getting a good Job. Because they are addicted, it made them act crazy in their marriage life, causing a divorce. Furthermore, it made them loose their Job, causing them to not be able to afford what they needed in life. If they were to never have even tried drugs, they wouldn't be in hat situation.

So, think before you act. Make the right choices for the big life ahead of you. Moreover, "begin with the end in mind". Beginning with the end in mind meaner, make important goals for your life, and then set your mind to achieve those goals. All successful goals are shaped by creating a mental vision and purpose for any project. It is important to commit yourself to things that matter most.

For example, set a goal of always supporting your family members because in the end they are always going to be the ones there. Furthermore, "put first things first".Always do the most important things first. It's simple. For instance, if you want to go to a party, but you have homework to do, do the homework because it is more important.

In every situation where you have to decide between two things, always think of the most important thing and do that first. Another situation may be, you have the choice of going to a family reunion or go out to eat. Stop and think which meaner most to you. I would say family because family is important and they will always be there, so you need to keep your family relationships positive.So, in the end, I would go to the family reunion.

If you would have went to your friend's house all it is, is one night of fun, and you'll probably forget about it when you forget about them. But family you'll always remember because they're here to stay. Think wisely, and think of the most important things in life. The "Private Victory' is important to a successful life that you are happy with.

Being proactive, beginning with an end in mind, and putting first things first are some of the best habits to follow if you want to achieve the private victory. Make your life worth it.