----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows 95 README for Microsoft Windows August 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996 ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then use the Print command on the File menu. LIST OF WINDOWS 95 README FILES =============================== In addition to Readme.

txt, Windows 95 provides the following readme files: Config.txt Contains syntax information for commands you use with your Config.sys file. Display.txt Provides information about how to configure and correct problems for available drivers and how to obtain additional display drivers.

Exchange.txt Provides information to help you set up and run Windows Messaging. Extra.txt Provides information about where to find additional Windows 95 files, such as updates and drivers, in addition to files available only in the CD-ROM version of Windows 95. Faq.

txt Answers frequently asked questions about Windows 95. General.txt Provides information about startup problems, the programs that come with Windows 95, disk tools, disks and CDs, drivers, removable media, Microsoft FAX, and pen services. This file also contains last-minute information received too late to include in the other readme files.

For example, if you have a question about a printer, it would be helpful to look in General.txt as well as in Printers.txt. Hardware.

txt Provides information about known problems and workarounds for hardware. You may also need to refer to Printers.txt or Mouse.txt for specific problems. Infrared.txt Contains information about installing and troubleshooting infrared services on your computer.

Internet.txt Provides information to help you connect to the Internet if you haven't done so already. Also provides information about where to download Microsoft's new Web browser, Internet Explorer. Mailnews.txt Provides information to help you install, configure, and troubleshoot Microsoft Internet Mail and News.

Mouse.txt Provides information about known problems and workarounds specifically for mouse and keyboard problems. Msdosdrv.txt Contains syntax information for MS-DOS device drivers. For additional help on MS-DOS commands, see Config.txt.

You can also use command-line help at the command prompt by typing /? following the command name. Msn.txt Provides information to help you connect to The Microsoft Network. Netmeet.

txt Provides information about using Microsoft NetMeeting, as well as information about known problems. Network.txt Provides information about installing and running network servers. Printers.txt Provides information about known problems and workarounds for printers. Programs.

txt Provides information and workarounds for running some specific Windows-based and MS-DOS-based programs with Windows 95. Services.txt Provides information about selecting accounts with online service providers. Support.

txt Provides information about how to get additional support for Windows 95. Tips.txt Contains an assortment of tips and tricks for using Windows 95, most of which are not documented in online Help or the printed book.