As society becomes more and more complex, its intellectual impotence becomes more sophisticated. Their competence is the social intelligence and can be defined as intelligence that lies behind one's group interactions and behaviors. This type of intelligence is closely related to cognition and life skills. Students who received lessons In social and emotional skills Improved every measure of positive behaviors such as classroom behaviors, discipline, punctuality, attendance, began liking school, able to attain good relationships, as well as enriched their life skills.Social Intelligence Social Intelligence Is the ability to understand others and "act wisely In human elation's".

Social intelligence is different from academic ability and a key element in what makes people succeed in life. Social intelligence falls into general category; the human capacity to understand what is happening in the world and responding to that understanding In a personally and socially effective manner. In order to confine the notion of social intelligence we are not including within it all positive human attributes making it as a king of solution for the maladies of the world.It is an important quality in human beings which makes them capable of awareness and understanding the broadest, possible terms.

Not more balancing or Interpersonal success, but understanding that makes it possible to make their lives worthwhile and in making their society better during their life time and after. Social intelligence is in the tradition of wisdom, not the mere current ideas of "Smartness". Qualities of a Socially Intelligent Person By social intelligence, we mean the qualities of seeing through current social myths and diversions and understanding the necessity of life-long self education.Recognizes the necessity of social action including discerning what the social tuition requires and creating a programmer to realize the social reformation.

Developing genuine feeling of compassion and regard for one's fellow human beings. Generally it is a critical consciousness and it requires extra ordinary ability to recognize oneself as a member of an oppressed class and seeing our oppressed class and seeing our oppression as a situation, which we can transform through consistent action.LIFE SKILLS ; AN OVERVIEW Life skills are living skills or abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with demands and challenges of everyday life. Adaptive means that a person should have the flexibility to adjust according to the situation. For positive behavior, a person needs to have positive thinking and look at opportunities even in difficult situations in order to cope with the situation.

Life 1 OFF people make informed decisions, communicate effectively, to develop, cope and self management skill to lead a healthy and productive life.Life skills enable us to translate knowledge, attitude and values into actual abilities by helping us decide what to do, when to do and how to do it. Need and significance of the study Teaching as a profession has been regarded as one of the noblest professions by all in all countries and at all times. Teacher education aims at providing the prospective teachers a vivid awareness of their mission, that is, the development of the nation through the development of the child.For this purpose, apart from cognitive development, teacher education provides its pupils training to develop better attitudes and values of our society.

Social intelligence is the ability to understand and manage men and women, boys and girls to act wisely in human relations. Those people, who have social intelligence, may like to interact more and ore and create good outstanding skills. They are likely to take part in group discussions; project works team learning and may set up interview, form questionnaires and similar activities.They may lead to develop ideas and may learn more and more from other people, who are eminent in their own respective roles. Social intelligence and life skills seem to be topics of utmost significance.

The various dimensions considered under social intelligence deems fit to be analyses as they are positively related to one's life skills as well as it is directly related to our scores in Hess tests. Recognition of social environment and sensitivity fosters one's inquisitiveness which in turn accelerates one's skills in life. Co-operatives and confidence level also are positive correlates in one's Life skills.Thus, social intelligence and life skills are inherently related and help in one's social adjustment. As teaching is a complex and many sided task which demands a variety of human traits and ability, the ability to understand, to communicate, to inspire and motivate the students, create patience, enthusiasm, friendliness, good personality, high moral harasser, intelligence, caring, sense of humor and dedication to profession are the much expected traits to become a successful teacher.

Moreover, the present century throws a number of challenges before the teachers.For working satisfactorily, the teachers should know how to solve problem, how to manage stress and conflicts and how to contribute with full potentials towards institutional goals as well as society and nation at large. The secondary teacher education students are at the threshold of entering the career of teaching. Teaching has now become more learner-centered rather than teacher centered. Teachers are supposed to have sufficient knowledge and capability to solve the doubts of their students. In order to develop teaching competency the prospective teachers have to develop social intelligence and life skills.

So the investigators want to study the relationship between social intelligence and life skills of the secondary teacher education students. Statement of the problem Relationship between social intelligence and life skills of the secondary teacher education students. Operational definitions Social Intelligence It is the general intelligence applied to social situation. It can be analyses Life Skills: "Life skills are living skills or abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with demands and challenges of everyday life" (WHO 1997).

In the present study, investigators intend to assess the following dimensions of life skills such as Problem solving skills, Decision-making skills, Communication skill, Interpersonal relationship skill, Study skills, Stress coping skills and Empathy. Objective 1 To find out whether there is any significant relationship between social intelligence and life skills of the secondary teacher education students in total as well s in gender. Hypotheses 1 There is no significant relationship between social intelligence and life skills of the secondary teacher education students in total as well as in gender.Method The method adopted in the present study is survey. Population for the study The population of the study is the secondary teacher education students studying in B.

De. Colleges affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, one of the universities in Kraal, situated in Soothsay District. Sample The investigator has used stratified random sampling technique for selecting the sample. The investigator randomly selected 11 B. De.

Colleges affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University situated in Soothsay District.From each college English, Social science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Physical Science and Social Science optional subject secondary teacher education students were taken by including both male and female students. Stratification was done on the basis of sex, management of colleges and educational qualification. The sample consists of 1000 secondary teacher education students. Among them 372 are male students and 628 are female students. Tools used The following tools are used for data collection.

1 . Social intelligence scale prepared and standardized by Dry. N. K.

Chad. The scale consists of 66 items based on eight dimensions - patience, co-operatives, confidence level, sensitivity, recognition of social environment, tactfulness, sense of humor and memory. 2. Life skill assessment scale developed by the investigators. The investigators used test-retest method for establishing reliability of the scale.

The reliability co-efficient was computed to be 0. 82. Its dimensions are Problem solving skills, Decision-making skills, Communication skill, Inter-personal relationship skill, Study skills, Stress coping skills and Empathy.