The Descendent of Homo Sapiens The Descendent of Homo Sapiens Since the beginning of human existence, humans have thrived through millions of years on earth, taking advantage of its great resources that were available freely for their personal use and survival.

Toward the end of the 20th centry, these humans realized that they were utilizing large amounts of resources once thought to be an endless supply. With these uses come consequences, and these consequences have created problems and hinder survival of humans. To solve these problems humans have tried to develop a new species, a decendant of humans and other animals for thei mere survival during these times. Using eugenics, these scientists and the intellectual people of the world come together to create a superior species.

They decided to change the DNA structure of the species to improve its ability to survive. The new species was made to what was thought was perfect. The species anatomical structure remained similar. The bones were created to develop with less calcium through good supply by developing a gene in which calcium was obtained by the body to the bones in many ways. The species bone was clearly stronget and more solid than any other creature.The lungs where genetically alreed to increase capability of filtering out dangerious chemicals caused by pollution, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and many others.

The lungs ability to consume oxygen was enhaced, but was not fully capable of filtering all chemicals. The muscles and the body frame were much larger than those of humans. They believed that in order to survive this new era, a species capable of defending and hunting for itself was needed. Their skins were think, hard but flexible, and dark. The skins ability to relect the ultra violet light given off from the sun kept its body from great harm.

The thick coat game it more protection from air pollution and water pollution and many other harmful substances. Developed on its back were wings to soar through the air as a means of transportation. The creature remained bipedal but its efficiency in using its hind legs could not be increased. Their eyesight was perfected to prevent any visually challenged individuals. Their sense of smell was increase by about 10%.Other specific organs and appendages were insighficantly changed.

The scientist created hundreds of males and females of this species and observed their behavior. They seemed to have the ablitty court the opposite sex by sense of touch and smell but little on physical apperance. These speicies mated with one anther through sexual intercourse. Their mates that they chose interacted with tehm for several months before any close intimacy or physical behavior ere apparent.

These adults were of the ages ranging from 20-30 years of age.The animals are placental mammals and their long term pregnancies last about 4-10 months. They are K-selective species. After birth the male and female parents take extrmeme care and comfort of the infant for the following two years. The infants are wel fed and held closely to the parents for long periods of time. The parents communicate with their infants as soon as they are born.

As time passes they learn to allow the infant to do things on its own and teach the infant what to do. They are taught to craw ans walk and talk. The infants seem to have a touch attachment to their parents until the age of 3 where they are able to leave their parents for hours to socialize with others. To educated these species, they had to test their ability to speack the human language. Many of these species were capable of making sounds and stllables that humans make.The speicies were intellectual as humans were although they seem to begin to talk at an early age and walk and craw at early ages compared to humans approximately 4-5 months earlier.

At first they appeared to to somewhat more aggressice than thought to be, but after months of ovserving humans, they decided that humans were not a threat to them and interacted with them. As years passed they became more intellectual and interacted well with the humans. Their way of living was different in that they didn not like the use of high tech equipment. They were kept in an envronment artigfically made for them.Thie was a place with small amought of diverse plands and animals.

There species abilities were not yet tested because such harsh environments were not yet introduced. In the year 2250, an asteroid hit earth directly destroying the DNA, genetic and mutagenic research center in South Africa, and resulted in the release of mutagenic and radioactive substances into the environment. Animals and all life forms within thousands of miles mutated, while others died of radiation and direct impact. Huge earthquakes shattered every building on earth, causing extinction of Homo sapiens.

But Homo superiors, who were equipped with a tough, thick layer of skin and an incredible physical body, survived this catastrophe. The radiation surrounded them as they noticed the flames and smoke in the air and the shaking of the earth. Their bodies soon fought the radiation and they became prone to the radiation. The radiation also caused the temperatures in Africa (where they resided) to change significantly.

During one half the year, from November to April, the temperature would be freezing cold and during the other half, from May to October the temperature would be scorching hot. Many members of the Homo superiors died because they cannot adapt to such drastic change in temperature and many others died of starvation.Those who did survive was due to their strength of slaying other beasts for their hides, which kept the Homo superiors warm in the freezing cold. For sources of food during the winter, Homo superiors the meat and food they preserved during the summer time. They learned to hunt and no sooner can they walk did they learn how to survive from each other.

Their species used their altered English language to sommunicate to one another. Large quadrapedal animals a result of the accident hunted were sufficient for food. They also learned that certain plants growing from the ground were edible, although there were little plants growing. TO look for food they used their wings to soar through the air.Althought they couldnt run fast enough, they jumped from high areas to soar through the air. Water was a main resource vital to their living.

Their liver that was genetically built to take in impure water did not work at first. During the hundreds of year, the liver changed dramatically, amking it possible for the species to separate the dangerious substandce in the water. The water was stored in their bodies and used slowly and efficiently as need although the sun did dehydrate these species quickly.They were also able to obtain water from the moist air when it was available.

As a result of being chased by their predator, swift huge animals, theirs legs grew stronger and became so efficient that they were able to run fast enough to take flight from ground level or to outrun many animals. Using their flying abilities, many soared through the air for scouting and huniting. Their muscles increased in size and their height and body weight increased to about 61 average height and 250-280 pounds average weight for adult males and 58 average height and 230-265 pounds average weight for females. These diurnal creatures slept as soon as the bring sunrays were dimmed and awakened as soon as the first way of light hits their eyes. Their routine sleeping range biologically developed into an auto matic time in which they would wake and sleep.Nest were built where suitable and far from danger.

Tools were used for many reasons such as hunting and preparing food. They cooked food with fire and learned about it from past generations. As a side effect to everything that has happened to these species they were able to adjust their eyes to see during the day and during the night, although the vision at night was not as advanced as most nocturnal animals. Evolutionary forces such as earhquarkes and colcano eruptions are seldom occurnces, but when they do strike, the homo superior can protect themselves by flying to the mouthan for refuge.

The species at this time has existed for about 1000 years . They were a descendat from the homo sapiens, but wer genetically altered.The original species were less capable of flying , running, hunniting procession contaminated water and physically doing things. They evolve over hundreds of years and improved their hunting skills, physical abilities such as flying and running and were more keen and intellectual.